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07 Jun 2010 21:36


Tech: Some quick numbers on the new Apple iPhone 4

  • 78 micrometers – the width of a
    pixel on the new iPhone
  • 326 number of pixels per inch – easily double the last model of the iPhone
  • 9.3mm the width of the new iPhone – about a third of an inch for us Yankees
  • 720p the quality of film the device can shoot, great for YouTube source

20 Nov 2009 11:10


Tech: Curious about Google Chrome OS? Now you can try it out, easy

  • OK, we know it’s here. And like us, you’re probably curious. Fortunately, gdgt realized the same thing, so they hacked the Gibson and came up with a way for people to try it out on their desktops using virtual machines. Sounds like fun.source

22 Oct 2009 09:47


Tech: Dear Apple: Please don’t load OSX up with annoying ads

  • They applied for a patent to do just that. Yikes. Word on the street is that Apple applied for a scary-sounding patent which would allow them to place advertisements within a reduced-cost version of their operating system. The ads would be audiovisual in nature and would limit system functionality when playing. May we just say to Steve Jobs and company: Are you out of your )#&(!)(# mind? source

20 Oct 2009 10:12


Tech: Be prepared for a market saturated with Google Android

  • 51 Google Android-based phones will be on the market soon source

28 Sep 2009 08:40


Tech: Windows4All: Microsoft Silverlight brings you full-fledged … Solitare

How powerful is Microsoft’s Flash competitor, Silverlight? It can handle a full-featured Windows-styled operating system. Click here to try it. source

27 Aug 2009 10:52


Tech: Daily Poll: Do you plan to buy OSX Snow Leopard tomorrow?

  • Screw it. We’re doing this everyday now. Thanks to the good responses we’ve gotten to our previous polls, we’re going to start posting daily questions. Which means you jerks better respond and make us look good.

10 Jul 2009 10:44


Tech: Fake Steve Jobs trashes all over the emergence of a Google OS

  • Somehow if you put out a new operating system you’ll get more people using the Internet and then you’ll be able to sell more of those $#%@*^ little ads?
  • Fake Steve Jobs (a.k.a. Daniel Lyons) • Discussing why Google’s new operating system is going to fail. Our favorite part? When he trashes on the tiny size of the netbook market. “Frankly, if the entire netbook market caught fire,” he says, “I wouldn’t piss on it to put it out. But that’s just me.” Oh Fake Steve. *fawn* • source

08 Jul 2009 22:11


Tech: Google doesn’t need an OS for the PC, ’cause it already has one

  • Last night, Google surprised the tech-hungry masses just getting to bed by announcing that they are going to release a new operating system called Chrome OS designed to work with Netbooks and PCs and compete with Microsoft. source
  • Strangely enough, just the day before, an open-source group released version 0.2 of Live-Android, which just happens to be a version of Google’s mobile OS designed to boot on x86 PCs. Wait, you mean they have two OSes for PCs now? source

08 Jul 2009 01:32


Tech: Next on Google’s list? A new operating system based on Chrome

  • Windows is screwed. Tonight, Google announced to the world that they’re launching a new Web-leaning OS that will lean on netbooks at first but is also targeted towards desktop PCs. The idea is that it’s a simple OS for people who largely live on the Web. They plan to open-source the software later this year and hope to have something to show for their hard work by the middle of next year. source
  • Windows is screwed. Tonight, Google announced to the world that they’re launching a new Web-leaning OS that will lean on netbooks at first but is also targeted towards desktop PCs. The idea is that it’s a simple OS for people who largely live on the Web. They plan to open-source the software later this year and hope to have something to show for their hard work by the middle of next year.
  • What about Android? We know you’re thinking – doesn’t Google have Android already? Well, yeah. But Google doesn’t mind. “While there are areas where Google Chrome OS and Android overlap,” writes VP Sundar Pichai, “we believe choice will drive innovation for the benefit of everyone, including Google.” So yeah. We expect Windows to go the way of IE’s market share in about five years. source

11 May 2009 00:51


Tech: To Google Android users: Today’s a big day for an upgrade

  • Google’s Android mobile operating system is up to Version 1.5, a version claims really should have been called 2.0 considering the hefty feature upgrades. source
  • The upgrade, released last month, finally comes to T-Mobile’s G1 phone today. The upgrade brings virtual keyboards, video recording (and sharing!) and voice search. Spiffy. source