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03 Oct 2009 23:51


Tech: There’s a lot of clutter in Tweetland, Techcrunch sez

That's a lot of tweets
  • See that microscopic window, split in half because it’s so huge? Those are all Tweets run through Seesmic’s Web interface, made as a joke by one of the program’s developers. (There’s 1,200 in there.) TechCrunch’s Erick Schonfeld argues that this is a bug, and it’s a good excuse to cut back on the clutter the program makes. We argue that while he has a point, he’s being perhaps a little dramatic. source

08 Jul 2009 01:32


Tech: Next on Google’s list? A new operating system based on Chrome

  • Windows is screwed. Tonight, Google announced to the world that they’re launching a new Web-leaning OS that will lean on netbooks at first but is also targeted towards desktop PCs. The idea is that it’s a simple OS for people who largely live on the Web. They plan to open-source the software later this year and hope to have something to show for their hard work by the middle of next year. source
  • Windows is screwed. Tonight, Google announced to the world that they’re launching a new Web-leaning OS that will lean on netbooks at first but is also targeted towards desktop PCs. The idea is that it’s a simple OS for people who largely live on the Web. They plan to open-source the software later this year and hope to have something to show for their hard work by the middle of next year.
  • What about Android? We know you’re thinking – doesn’t Google have Android already? Well, yeah. But Google doesn’t mind. “While there are areas where Google Chrome OS and Android overlap,” writes VP Sundar Pichai, “we believe choice will drive innovation for the benefit of everyone, including Google.” So yeah. We expect Windows to go the way of IE’s market share in about five years. source