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03 Mar 2011 15:49


Tech: Recall of Mazda6 on account of arachnid saboteurs

  • … a certain type of spider may weave a web in the evaporative canister vent line and this may cause a restriction in the line.
  • The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration • Explaining the recall of nearly 65,000 Mazda6 cars. In most cases, arachnophobia is strictly irrational (with all due sympathy), but now they’re trying to sabotage our wheels. The culprit is the Yellow Sac spider, a daring little saboteur if there ever was one. The web blockages in the vent lines can cause pressure irregularities, leading to fluid spillage. source

09 Dec 2010 23:16


Offbeat, Tech: Poll: Sticking one’s tongue out via Internet unpopular

  • :P the most hated emoticon, according to a CNN poll source

17 Aug 2010 11:16


Tech: Wired makes a series of dubious claims about the Web’s death

  • This was all inevitable. It is the cycle of capitalism. The story of industrial revolutions, after all, is a story of battles over control. A technology is invented, it spreads, a thousand flowers bloom, and then someone finds a way to own it, locking out others. It happens every time.
  • Wired editor Chris Anderson • Discussing the possibility that the Web is becoming less important in our lives. Why? Well, the Web is complicated, with many layers. Apps and other forms of connecting to the ‘net just work. We don’t buy this. As Anderson notes himself at the start of his article, they were wrong about Push notifications killing the Web way back in 1997. Why should we believe them now? (Also, the mag takes an interesting approach to laying this story out; Michael Wolff is on the other side of the coin, claiming that other companies forced apps onto us. Yeah, that’s it, too.) source

02 Jun 2010 10:26


Tech: Question: How fast will people say their internet is, if you ask?

  • FAST but no more specific than that source

05 May 2010 20:13


Tech, U.S.: The FCC twists, turns its way through the net neutrality wormhole

  • before The FCC planned to use
    its weight to move
    carriers to follow net
    neutrality rules it created.
  • then A federal court said this
    wasn’t legal and that
    Congress should make
    a net neutrality law.
  • now The FCC now plans to …
    regulate the Internet like the phone system. How
    wacky! source

31 Mar 2010 11:07


Tech: Want fast internet access? Move to South Korea, kids

  • $45.50 cost of your average interweb connection in the U.S.
  • $28.50 cost of a much-faster interweb connection in South Korea source

15 Mar 2010 11:18


Biz: Online news readers fairly loyal, not willing to give you money

  • 35% of news readers have a favorite news site
  • 57% of readers use between two and five sites
  • 7% are willing to pay to read the news online source

04 Mar 2010 00:01


World: The BBC’s budget cuts: 6music barely a blip in the financial picture

  • We cropped on the most important part. Information is Beautiful’s graphic really shows that the cuts that the BBC is making are somewhat unfair (especially considering that the money for the company comes out of licenses on owning TVs). The BBC’s Web presence, while significant, is fairly small in comparison to everything else. And 6music, which is getting many words of morning from British musicians, is by far the smallest piece of the broadcasting pie. Lily Allen’s argument for the station is really well-informed and sweet. She calls the move political, and an attempt to appease Conservative politicians. source

04 Jan 2010 12:47


Biz: Political pubs HuffPo and Politico are profitable, but not massive

  • $12-16 million The Huffington Post’s estimated profit in 2009, which is peanuts considering its massive size
  • $20
    Politico’s estimated 2009 profits, which largely came from its print publication source

02 Jan 2010 22:06


Tech: Twitter may just have legs made for a long-term endurance run

  • The history of the Internet suggests that there have been cool Web sites that go in and out of fashion and then there have been open standards that become plumbing. Twitter is looking more and more like plumbing, and plumbing is eternal.
  • Technology observer Steven Johnson • On Twitter’s long-term prospects as a communication mechanism. Johnson’s comments are the centerpiece of an article by New York Times media columnist David Carr, who makes the argument that Twitter may just stick around as a long-term mechanism rather than a trend like MySpace or Friendster. Carr still sounds a little cynical of the idea, but even so, makes a killer point: “Professional acquaintances whom I find insufferable on every other platform suddenly become interesting within the confines of Twitter.” Twitter win. source