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09 Dec 2011 13:49


Tech: Nintendo’s Shigeru Miyamoto retiring, not retiring; honestly we’re not sure

  • Is Nintendo’s game-master retiring? Wired’s readers had reason to worry Wednesday after an article led them to believe that Shigeru Miyamoto, the company’s top game designer, would be stepping aside and working on smaller projects. (It was an easy conclusion to make: The headline was literally “Nintendo’s Miyamoto Stepping Down, Working on Smaller Games.” He also said, in these exact words: “I’m not saying that I’m going to retire from game development altogether. What I mean by retiring is, retiring from my current position.”) However, Nintendo denies the report; they told PC Magazine that, in his Wired interview, that “he attempted to convey his priorities moving forward, inclusive of overseeing all video game development and ensuring the quality of all products.” The company also noted that he wanted to take on smaller projects to rekindle his early love of making games. Were there translation issues? source

03 Jan 2011 11:27


Tech: Vaporware list: “Duke Nukem Forever” still getting mentioned

  • So, it’s been like a decade since our boy Duke Nukem first showed up on Wired’s long-running vaporware list, and even though it looks like it’s actually gonna get released this year (seriously!), he still made honorable mention on the list. On this year’s list? At least two tablets and a Chrome OS laptop which we’re still waiting for Google to send us. source

17 Aug 2010 11:16


Tech: Wired makes a series of dubious claims about the Web’s death

  • This was all inevitable. It is the cycle of capitalism. The story of industrial revolutions, after all, is a story of battles over control. A technology is invented, it spreads, a thousand flowers bloom, and then someone finds a way to own it, locking out others. It happens every time.
  • Wired editor Chris Anderson • Discussing the possibility that the Web is becoming less important in our lives. Why? Well, the Web is complicated, with many layers. Apps and other forms of connecting to the ‘net just work. We don’t buy this. As Anderson notes himself at the start of his article, they were wrong about Push notifications killing the Web way back in 1997. Why should we believe them now? (Also, the mag takes an interesting approach to laying this story out; Michael Wolff is on the other side of the coin, claiming that other companies forced apps onto us. Yeah, that’s it, too.) source

13 Aug 2010 11:17


Tech: Google’s all on the defensive after that net neutrality thang

  • We’re not so presumptuous to think that any two businesses could – or should – decide the future of this issue. We’re simply trying to offer a proposal to help resolve a debate which has largely stagnated after five years.
  • A statement from Google • Regarding criticism it has faced since they decided to go down the net neutrality rabbit hole with Verizon. Their suggestion, which was to treat wireless internet networks differently from wired networks, has gone over like a lead balloon with net neutrality fans. Facebook has gotten in on the jabbing too, saying this in a statement the other day: “Preserving an open Internet that is accessible to innovators — regardless of their size or wealth — will promote a vibrant and competitive marketplace where consumers have ultimate control over the content and services delivered through their Internet connections.” Ouch. source

04 Aug 2010 10:42


Tech: How likely is it that the FTC is investigating Apple over Flash?

  • VERY they denied Wired’s FOIA request source

11 Apr 2010 11:43


Tech: The JooJoo costs as much as an iPad, does half as much

  • Bring up YouTube or Hulu clips and they look fine in a small window, but click into the full-screen mode and you’ll get more stalls and sputtering than a health care bill moving through Congress.
  • Wired reviewer Priya Ganapati • Discussing the JooJoo, formerly the CrunchPad. Beyond the immense amount of drama around the former TechCrunch-sponsored device, they say it sucks, especially at its $500 price point. The key point to take from the review? “Twice the weight of an iPad with half the usability. … You’re going to charge $500 for this thing with a straight face?” (In Michael Arrington’s defense, he wanted to charge less than half that price, but then Fusion Garage got a little greedy.) source

11 Mar 2010 23:11


Politics: Andrew Breitbart: A conservative media rebel with a cause

  • The market has forced me to come up with techniques to be noticed. And now that I have them, I’m like, wow, this is actually great. This is fun.
  • Andrew Breitbart • In a lengthy profile piece in Wired, regarding his journalism techniques, his history as an Internet pioneer (he helped put The Drudge Report on the map and played a role in building The Huffington Post, whose leader, Arianna Huffington, used to be tight with Matt Drudge and Breitbart when she leaned right) and his empire. He’s flashy, he’s controversial and he gives divisive gonzo journalist James O’Keefe a paycheck. And the left hates him with the fire of a thousand burning suns. source

01 Mar 2010 11:19


Biz, Tech: Conde Nast trying this iPad publishing thing, with a big caveat

  • They won’t do titles other than their most popular unless Adobe and Apple get along. Later this year, you can expect issues of Wired, GQ, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and Glamour to hit the iPad in an “experimental” format. But it won’t go beyond that unless Apple can reach an accord with Adobe, because two development tracks is kind of a pain. They do have some encouraging numbers working in their favor. 22,000 people paid $2.99 for an iPhone-formatted version of GQ. source

25 Nov 2009 11:55


Tech: Magic Mouse praise: “It’s the first Apple mouse that doesn’t suck”

Despite the fairly high praise, Wired doesn’t claim it’s absolutely perfect, as they only gave it a 7 out of 10. Why? It doesn’t do Expose and Spaces. Lame. source

18 Nov 2009 22:14


Tech: Wired Magazine to Apple: Our magazine, your tablet. Kapish?

  • Wired is working hard on a new version of its magazine, ready to launch on Apple’s purported tablet next year. source
  • Apple hasn’t yet announced this new tablet, so if they don’t launch it, Condé Nast will have wasted a lot of time. source