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02 Oct 2010 03:05


Tech: Android getting targeted by Google enemies, part three

  • one Apple sues HTC over patent issues regarding their Android phones
  • two Oracle sues Google because of Android’s use of the Java platform
  • three Microsoft sues Motorola because they want to follow the leader source

08 Jul 2009 22:11


Tech: Google doesn’t need an OS for the PC, ’cause it already has one

  • Last night, Google surprised the tech-hungry masses just getting to bed by announcing that they are going to release a new operating system called Chrome OS designed to work with Netbooks and PCs and compete with Microsoft. source
  • Strangely enough, just the day before, an open-source group released version 0.2 of Live-Android, which just happens to be a version of Google’s mobile OS designed to boot on x86 PCs. Wait, you mean they have two OSes for PCs now? source