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15 Aug 2011 10:04


Biz, Tech: Google to buy Motorola Mobility: More on the blockbuster deal of the day

  • $12.5 billion to buy a key seller of Android phones
  • 17,000 number of issued patents the mobility side of Motorola owns, which would now be Google’s; Motorola split in half back in January
  • 7,500 number of patent filings made under Motorola Mobility’s name; these patents are almost as valuable to Google as the phones source
  • » Google stocks didn’t react well: While an argument could be made that this is a great move for Google, investors appear to be at least somewhat spooked, with Google’s stock currently down despite the more positive market at large. Is it because the company has never really had any sort of success in the hardware business? And what does this mean for HTC or Samsung or all the other big Android makers?

06 Feb 2011 23:39


Tech: Quick facts: Three strikes against Motorola’s new Xoom tablet

  • strike The device, based on Android 3.0 and getting a lot of attention, has a starting price of $799 – which is way higher than the entry-level iPad.
  • strike The data plans are really expensive for 3G usage – 1 gigabyte is $20, and the plans go as high as $80 for 10 gigabytes. That’s right – $80 a month!
  • out And don’t think you’ll get around this with a hotspot like you can with an iPad. Wi-fi won’t be activated unless you buy a data plan! source

31 Oct 2010 10:57


Tech: Apple and Motorola lawsuits more annoying than anything

  • All these lawsuits between Apple and Motorola are silly. In the latest suit (a counter-suit, even), the iPhone maker sued Motorola for using multitouch technology (among other things which Apple owns patents for) in nine of its phones, including each of the popular Droid models. These suits are excuses for each company to get in the other’s hair, and basically do nothing useful. Honestly, if Apple was really serious about fighting these claims against their multitouch technology, they would’ve sued when the first Droid phone came out. Now, it just seems like a vindictive attempt at leverage. source

02 Oct 2010 03:05


Tech: Android getting targeted by Google enemies, part three

  • one Apple sues HTC over patent issues regarding their Android phones
  • two Oracle sues Google because of Android’s use of the Java platform
  • three Microsoft sues Motorola because they want to follow the leader source

19 Jul 2010 11:11


Biz: Nokia Siemens buys part of Motorola that makes the magic happen

  • $1.2 billion for Motorola’s mobile gear division source

28 Oct 2009 20:31


Tech: Google’s on a tear today thanks to Android and the Motorola Droid

  • $199 the cost of Motorola’s new Droid phone, which uses the Android 2.0 software officially launched today source

18 Oct 2009 09:59


Tech: Message to take from this ad: Everyone iDon’t, Droid Does

Not bad Verizon, Motorola and Google. You actually made some Apple-critical advertising with teeth. And we hear the Droid is a cool phone – with a better network. source

06 Apr 2009 09:31


Tech: T-Mobile’s riding the Google Android gravy train for all it’s worth

  • A new tablet and home phone could be in the cards. The New York Times is reporting that the mobile carrier is stretching the definition of what Android has so far meant to consumers – a single phone, the G1 – and plans to use Android in a seven-inch tablet PC and a home phone setup. They’re not alone; Samsung, HTC and Motorola, along with a host of smaller carriers, have plans to bring Android-based devices (mostly phones) to market soon. source