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22 Aug 2010 10:55


Offbeat: Tyler Perry: Creator of bad movies, destroyer of worse homes

This mega-mansion outside Atlanta, which reportedly has awful architecture, languished on the market for 15 years. Tyler Perry bought it. He plans to destroy it. source

13 Nov 2009 18:04


Offbeat: The latest in the awful rapper game: BANGS’ Sudanese slang

  • We didn’t consider that there might be a rapper out there with skills even lesser than Boostalk‘s, but it appears Sudanese spitter BANGS has him beat. Sample rhyme: “Let’s sit in those two chairs alone/watching a movie/so we can see what’s going on.” So deep. On the plus side, at least we still have Chuggo. (Hat tip Andrew Sullivan)source

24 Oct 2009 01:07


U.S.: Michael Bloomberg makes “record election spending” laughable

  • $85 million the amount Michael Bloomberg has spent on his current mayoral campaign – $322,521 on catered food alone source

18 Oct 2009 21:29


Tech: Dear Wolfram Alpha: Nobody’s gonna buy your iPhone app

  • $1.99 the amount we could see ourselves paying for a Wolfram Alpha iPhone app source

13 Oct 2009 10:01


U.S.: The California legislature even less-loved than Schwartzenegger

  • 13% approval rating for the clogged-up state legislature source

05 Oct 2009 10:45


Offbeat: We Gon Rock: Meet Boostalk, the worst rapper we’ve ever seen

  • We’re convinced the kid has a strong Canadian accent. Listen to the way he says “rock.” And lest you be convinced that a kid like that can get a girl like that, watch this video. And we thought Chuggo was bad (note NSFW language and imagery at that link).source

01 Oct 2009 23:12


Culture: Dustin Diamond’s “Behind the Bell” has the worst cover design ever

Behind the Bell cover
Do we even need to say why? Just look at this crap. It looks like Dustin Diamond designed it himself. Here's why:

1. Forced pose. Diamond looks like he's trying to be the next David Copperfield, or it's a really bad Zack Morris impression.

2. Stretched, generic font. People who have no clue about design won't notice it. But we do, and it kills us.

3. Ganking from Google Images. Dude, you were on the show. You should have six of those photos on your fridge.

4. Bad use of Photoshop stroking. Congratulations, Dustin. You've created a candidate for the Photoshop Disasters hall of fame. SOURCE


10 Sep 2009 23:19


Culture: Hugh Hefner’s latest (laughable) divorce, by the numbers

  • 20 years length of time Hef has been married to Kimberley Conrad, a 47-year-old former Playmate source

02 Sep 2009 21:35


Tech: Nokia’s sorta-Netbook has a sorta-laughably-high price

  • $800 for an underpowered Nokia Netbook; pricing fail source

02 Aug 2009 20:21


Biz, Tech: Dear Associated Press: There’s no way you’re charging this much

  • $12 cost to quote five words from a single article, according to their new iCopyright site source