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09 Jun 2010 10:24


Tech: An update on Hulu’s grand scheme to charge you money

  • yes Hulu plans to expand its base to the Xbox 360 and iPad very soon. (About time, guys.)
  • yes You will have to start paying for the service soon. (Grr… this is our angry voice)
  • no You won’t have to pay for new episodes of shows, just older, “classic” episodes. source

14 Apr 2010 11:27


Tech: If you’re our Facebook fan, you’re worth this much to us

  • $3.60 pay up quick, suckers; we need money source

25 Mar 2010 09:22


Biz: John Deere says their health care costs are about to go up

  • $150 million boost in health
    costs this year source
  • ยป Why so much? Simple answer: Industrial companies have a lot of retirees, and the health care bill affects their costs greatly as a result.

18 Mar 2010 09:50


Politics: The CBO’s firm numbers on health care help the Democrats

  • $940B the amount the bill as written will cost to implement
  • $130B the amount the bill will cut the deficit in the next ten years
  • $1.2T the amount the bill will cut in the ten years after that source

18 Nov 2009 09:41


U.S.: Surprisingly, the government’s “improper payments” aren’t bailout funds

  • $98 billion in unnecessary spending, big or small, in 2008 source

09 Nov 2009 20:22


U.S.: Old people get shafted less with the House health care bill

  • $3,169 the average premium 20-year-olds would have to pay with the House health care bill; this is up from what health care companies charge now source

07 Oct 2009 09:50


Biz: We’re using debit cards more and charge cards less

  • +4.1% incresase in the use of debit cards to pay for everything source

02 Aug 2009 20:21


Biz, Tech: Dear Associated Press: There’s no way you’re charging this much

  • $12 cost to quote five words from a single article, according to their new iCopyright site source

09 Jun 2009 09:49


Biz: Boston Globe workers: Say no to a pay cut, get a much bigger one

  • -8.4% Amount the New York Times Company wanted to cut their pay, per agreement by the union’s guild. source

30 May 2009 15:43


Biz, U.S.: Good news! We can complain about gas prices again!

  • 20% increase in gas prices in the last 32 days. Whoa. source