And good for them. Really. OK, we’re kinda sad because it appears they’ve stolen our idea to some degree, but Slate’s newest site, The Slatest, is a news aggregator that doesn’t get bogged down by lots and lots (and lots) of links, like, say, Digg, Reddit, The Huffington Post, The Drudge Report, and … we could go on. A handful of really good news stories, linked in such a way that you know what you’re clicking, with a giant freaking ad that doesn’t get in the way. We approve. Good show, Slate. source
Not really a Netbook, not really a full-fledged laptop, Nokia’s 10.1″ attempt to stretch beyond mobile phones, the Booklet 3G, is pretty hawt if you can give yourself a reason to buy a machine that runs Windows 7.source
I will cancel any plans to vacation or otherwise visit in Arizona until I learn more. And I will begin thinking about whether tourists should safeguard themselves by avoiding stays in Arizona.
Frommer’s Travel Guides namesake Arthur Frommer • Discussing his displeasure with town hall protesters who carried loaded guns to events in Arizona. There’s no reason they can’t. It’s legal. And that’s Frommer’s problem. He feels that it sets a bad standard for travelers in the state for reasons beyond political. “I not only believe such practices are a threat to the future of our democracy, but I am firmly convinced that they would also endanger my own personal safety there.” • source
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but what happens in California makes the world go ’round.
The slogan being used by a series of ads in California • In an attempt to retaliate against Nevada’s recent efforts to woo businesses away from the state. Nevada’s ads were a bit harsh, admittedly – they suggested that the state budget was a bunch of flying pigs, and legislators were monkeys – but Nevada also didn’t have an embarrassing budget crisis lately. In case Oregon’s interested, we totally have a great ad campaign for them: “Oregon: We didn’t give you an IOU.” • source
Talk about a can of worms. Just when it seemed like the CIA under the Bush administration would get a pass, the Justice Department has sent recommendations to Attorney General Eric Holder for investigations into nearly a dozen prisoner abuse cases. The cases are mainly based in Iraq and Afghanistan. Obama has said he’d like to look forward, not back, but the investigations may force his hand at a bad time. source