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04 Aug 2010 21:20


Tech: Internet Explorer 9 actually standards-focused, unlike IE8

  • 20 Internet Explorer 8’s score on the popular Acid3 browser test
  • 95 Internet Explorer 9’s score, according to its test preview source
  • » Don’t get too excited yet: While the browser is clearly designed to standards (about time), it’s only available for Windows Vista SP2 and above – which means boxes still using Windows XP and IE6 will continue to rule the world.

24 Jul 2010 10:31


Tech: Say what you will about Microsoft, but Windows 7 is a cash cow

  • 10 copies of Windows 7 sold every single minute
  • 25M copies sold in the last 29 days alone
  • 175M copies sold since it first launched source

30 May 2010 14:16


Tech: Guy gets bored, builds his own tablet computer out of carbon

It runs Windows 7, and while it doesn’t have the touch-responsiveness of the iPad, the guy claims it’s good enough for him. Nerd. source

16 Feb 2010 10:32


Tech: Windows 7 RC stragglers: Microsoft goes from awesome to mean

  • 1st Microsoft offers pre-release copies (ooh) of Windows 7 to users for free.
  • 2nd They then release Windows 7. It’s a huge hit for the company, their biggest in years.
  • 3rd Some people are still using the release candidate. This won’t do! We must stop them!
  • 4th Microsoft will start rebooting their computers automatically soon. That’s evil!
  • 5th MS will then change their backgrounds and call them bad names. source

29 Jan 2010 11:37


Biz, Tech: Windows 7 win: Microsoft all high-fives after record quarter

  • $6.7B size of Microsoft’s profits in their second quarter – that’s way above analyst estimates
  • 60% increase in profits between the first quarter and second, despite some lagging divisions
  • 60M number of units Microsoft sold of its Windows 7 OS – it’s a massive freaking hit source

07 Nov 2009 14:21


Tech: Microsoft has lots of reasons to celebrate the Windows 7 launch

  • 234% increase in box software sales over Vista source

22 Oct 2009 08:52



22 Oct 2009 08:43


Tech: Despite this awful video, Windows 7 seamlessly launching today

  • A month ago, this video put Microsoft in danger of (again) not looking like they were with it when it came to Windows 7, especially after the Vista debacle. Fortunately for Microsoft, it appears they won’t have another repeat of Windows Vista on their hands. Unfortunately, nobody thought to make a video like this to explain how simple it is to upgrade from Windows XP.source

24 Aug 2009 10:47


Tech: Would you buy a “mini laptop” from Nokia? Now you have your chance

Nokia Booklet 3G
  • Not really a Netbook, not really a full-fledged laptop, Nokia’s 10.1″ attempt to stretch beyond mobile phones, the Booklet 3G, is pretty hawt if you can give yourself a reason to buy a machine that runs Windows 7.source

25 Jul 2009 10:24


Tech: Walt Mossberg sez upgrading to Windows 7 a pain in the butt

  • If you use XP, it forces you to do a clean install. Mossberg, who otherwise praised the new version of Windows, noted that the OS had a requirement unlike any of its previous versions: If you’re on XP, you need to do a clean install, which will force you to lose all your programs and possibly any personal data. In fact, MS recommends that you just bite the bullet and buy a new computer with Windows 7 installed. Oh, how convenient that they’d recommend that! source