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01 Apr 2010 10:38


Culture: Here are some faces to go with the names of those bloggers you read

These bloggers totally lead the conversation. Our personal favorite of these guys? The Village Voice’s Foster Kamer, far right, who’s a brilliant media commentator. source

31 Mar 2010 23:42


Tech: Walt Mossberg: You have to use the iPad to understand its appeal

The influential Wall Street Journal technology reviewer’s take? It’s a great new type of computing device, but with some downsides that don’t sink it. source

30 Mar 2010 20:40


Offbeat: Is an earthquake coming soon? The toads may know

And after the toads, the livestock will know, and then the locusts, and after that your first born will die. Then an earthquake hits. source

23 Mar 2010 10:00


Tech: The 3DS: Nintendo’s going third-dimensional with its next portable

  • No photos, just a press release. It’s secret. Nintendo has this way of pushing a new technology that’s never been tried in video games before and turning it into a smashing success. The latest? The 3DS, a backwards-compatible variant of the DS series which uses 3D screens. It could be super-interesting. source

18 Mar 2010 22:39


Tech: Mashable’s Pete Cashmore unveils more details on the new Digg

  • Curation, personalization, centralization – Digg wants to be your hub again. For a couple of years, Digg was THE place to go to hear what’s hot, as well as a solid way to drive traffic to your site. Nowadays, it’s a total niche and it’s hard to get your articles noticed in the abyss. Facebook (especially) and Twitter work way better. Mashable’s Pete Cashmore, in his column for CNN, talks a little more about Digg, whose new social buttons his site is testing. It sounds like Digg’s at least trying to get their mojo back. But will it work? Let’s just say we’re excited to see it. source

16 Mar 2010 11:18


Tech: The 74-day rule: iPhone vs. Droid vs. Nexus One

  • 1M number of iPhones that sold in its first 74 days (impressive)
  • 1.05M number of Droids that sold in its first 74 days (even moreso)
  • .135M number of Nexus Ones that sold in its first 74 days (lame) source

05 Mar 2010 13:05


Tech: Apparently, the Microsoft Courier isn’t a prototype. It’s real.

Apple should be shaking in its boots if the Courier is real, because it makes the iPad look completely pedestrian. It also uses the same OS as Windows 7 Series. source

03 Mar 2010 10:55


Music: Kanye writes a huge screed on creativity and loss. Worth a read

  • Of course this sounds arrogant. But it also sounds sincere. Kanye is talking about the death of fashion designer Alexander McQueen, his mom’s death, and his own creativity. Too bad he wrote about it in loud, annoying all-caps text (in a faint, light color) so it’s kind of hard to read. Make the effort to squint. It’ll be the best squinting you do all day. source

15 Feb 2010 10:17


Tech: Windows Phone 7 Series a complete reboot from the top down

  • Former Nike designers gave Windows Phone 7 Series (that’s a mouthful) a visual reboot that focuses on simplicity over noise (as well as a consistent experience), and the result looks a lot like the Zune HD. Early reviews are super-positive; Engadget says that the OS “looks nothing like anything else on the market, and we think that’s to its advantage.” source

21 Jan 2010 20:56


Biz: The New York Times: Tweet our articles for free. Or subscribe.

  • If you are coming to from another Web site and it brings you to our site to view an article, you will have access to that article and it will not count toward your allotment of free ones.
  • New York Times Co. President and Chief Executive Janet L. Robinson • Discussing the change of the New York Times’ model from free to paid and leaving an interesting tidbit in the midst: Tweeted/refered links to the Times will work exactly the way they do now. Which means that hitting the paywall actually requires digging into the site. We’re intrigued. (hat tip Charles Apple) source