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29 Jun 2010 19:42


04 May 2010 10:21


Politics: Times Square incident: Sunday talk shows rife with speculation?

  • When they say it’s certainly a one-off, it’s an appropriate question to say, ‘How do you know that; was this based on real briefings?’ To me, the most basic question in journalism is, ‘How do you know that?’ They won’t always tell you, but you can gauge a lot by their response.
  • Columbia University graduate journalism Professor John Dinges • Regarding the seemingly knowledgeable responses of leaders on the Sunday talk shows about an incident that happened just the night before. Many of them – including New York Sen. Charles Schumer and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano – spoke of the incident as if they had the evidence to say it was a lone wolf incident, at a point when investigators were still working. While each claimed later that they had been briefed about the incident beforehand by authorities, it still raised a lot of questions, especially since the investigation was just beginning. source

08 Apr 2010 22:39


Politics: Glenn Beck isn’t just a blabbermouth. He’s a business.

  • $32M the amount Beck made last year alone
  • $13Mthe amount Beck makes from publishing, including books and his own magazine
  • $10Mthe amount Beck makes from his radio show, one of the most popular on the air
  • $9Mthe amount Beck makes elsewhere, including the Web, speaking and TV source

16 Nov 2009 21:30


Politics: Max Headroom special edition: Nobody will shut up about Sarah Palin

  • She’s on Oprah! Today was the height of the Sarah Palin-a-palooza, as the former vice presidential candidate went on Oprah to hawk her book. In this clip, she tells us how she really feels about Levi Johnston. She refers to him, disparagingly, as “Ricky Hollywood.”

  • She’s on Oprah! Today was the height of the Sarah Palin-a-palooza, as the former vice presidential candidate went on Oprah to hawk her book. In this clip, she tells us how she really feels about Levi Johnston. She refers to him, disparagingly, as “Ricky Hollywood.”

  • “All-American Nobody” On “The Ed Show,” MSNBC’s liberal sorta-answer to Glenn Beck, Ed Schultz, refers to Palin as an “All-Amerian Nobody” while emphasizing her role in losing the 2008 election. Dude, you could’ve totally gone with “All-American Reject” there, too!

  • She’s on Oprah! Today was the height of the Sarah Palin-a-palooza, as the former vice presidential candidate went on Oprah to hawk her book. In this clip, she tells us how she really feels about Levi Johnston. She refers to him, disparagingly, as “Ricky Hollywood.”

  • “All-American Nobody” On “The Ed Show,” MSNBC’s liberal sorta-answer to Glenn Beck, Ed Schultz, refers to Palin as an “All-Amerian Nobody” while emphasizing her role in losing the 2008 election. Dude, you could’ve totally gone with “All-American Reject” there, too!

  • Annoyed at “Rogue” Some of the biggest targets of Sarah Palin’s scorn in “Going Rogue,” staffers working for John McCain in 2008, took shots at the former veep candidate on “Today” this morning. The mainstream press spin on the book: She’s just settling scores.

14 Nov 2009 11:35


Politics: The DMCA (and Fox News) strikes again: We’ll miss you News1News.

  • It was perhaps the best news-related channel on YouTube. You know our weekly Max Headroom feature? The one that features all the clips from all of the talk shows? Well, it may have just suffered a pretty terrible blow. Fox decided to go after News1News, a talk-show-clips channel, and YouTube ended up straight-up removing it, despite the fact that it was, well, an amazing resource and often continued the conversations that began on Fox News. Was it political? Gawker suggests it might be – especially since many liberal bloggers used it. We understand its removal but think it’s shortsighted. Too bad, though. It was one of our faves. On the plus side, it’s back up over here. source

05 Sep 2009 10:27


Politics, U.S.: This Obama school speech thing has legs. Why?

  • The thing that concerned me most about it was it seemed like a direct channel from the president of the United States into the classroom, to my child. I don’t want our schools turned over to some socialist movement.
  • Pearland, Tex. parent Brett Curtis • Describing the reason why he’s keeping his three children home. Why is this a story? Because Web sites and conservative talk show hosts started giving it attention on Wednesday, despite the fact that it had been planned for weeks. We hate the fact that this is now a big story. Teachers are largely in a cruddy situation because of the controversy: If they show it, conservatives are up in arms. If they don’t, they’re disrespecting the president. We don’t like this one bit. • source

02 Aug 2009 12:02


Politics: A Olbermann & O’Reilly truce? TV’s biggest talking heads cool it

Bill and Keith’s hands were forced by their parent companies, News Corp. and GE. That’s right: The fight had actually started hurting the corporate overlords. source

21 Jun 2009 23:21


Politics: Max Headroom: Twitter and Iran are totally on pundits’ minds

  • Tweet-happy McCain On “Face the Nation,” Sen. John McCain gives credit to social networking sites for their huge role in the protests in Iran – and notes, with excitement, that these are American technologies.

  • Tweet-happy McCain On “Face the Nation,” Sen. John McCain gives credit to social networking sites for their huge role in the protests in Iran – and notes, with excitement, that these are American technologies.

  • Go get ’em, Clay! Clay Shirky, one of media’s greatest thinkers, talks on “Fareed Zakaria GPS” about how the whole world is not just watching, but participating, in the Iran conflict. He says it’s too early to tell if it worked.

  • Tweet-happy McCain On “Face the Nation,” Sen. John McCain gives credit to social networking sites for their huge role in the protests in Iran – and notes, with excitement, that these are American technologies.

  • Go get ’em, Clay! Clay Shirky, one of media’s greatest thinkers, talks on “Fareed Zakaria GPS” about how the whole world is not just watching, but participating, in the Iran conflict. He says it’s too early to tell if it worked.

  • Strange bedfellows Playing off a joke Obama made over the weekend, “Fox News Sunday” discusses whether the media is biased towards the president. Ah, the media talking about the media.

07 Jun 2009 20:47


Politics: Max Headroom: Sunday talk show recap for June 7, 2009

  • Hilary’s 3 a.m. test On “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos asked Hilary Clinton whether her boss, Barack Obama, passed the “3 a.m. test” used in a primary campaign ad:

  • Hilary’s 3 a.m. test On “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos asked Hilary Clinton whether her boss, Barack Obama, passed the “3 a.m. test” used in a primary campaign ad:

  • Hilary as veep in 2012? CNN’s “State of The Union” went the logical road with Clinton’s statement, with Republican strategist Alex Castellanos saying she could replace Joe Biden:

  • Hilary’s 3 a.m. test On “This Week,” George Stephanopoulos asked Hilary Clinton whether her boss, Barack Obama, passed the “3 a.m. test” used in a primary campaign ad:

  • Hilary as veep in 2012? CNN’s “State of The Union” went the logical road with Clinton’s statement, with Republican strategist Alex Castellanos saying she could replace Joe Biden:

  • Newt’s talks “racialist” “Face the Nation” provided Newt Gingrich an opportunity to clarify whether he thinks Sonia Sotomayor is racist, but he somehow clouded the issue more: