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05 Jul 2010 09:49


Tech: Glenn Beck has an online university, a crazy demeanor

  • If this shows up on a resume, potential employer, you know what to do. The Fox News and radio host, who has a tendency to bring up Nazis at a moment’s notice, is starting an online university, complete with professors, which plans to “show you how they influence America’s past, her present and most importantly her future.” It’s kinda like Regent University or Oral Roberts University, except the graduates come out even stupider than before. If Julius had his own university, he’d teach you how to rant in 200 words or less. source

03 Jul 2010 03:01


Music: Mixest: A pretty badass HTML5 take on the Pandora model

  • Know how we know Mixest is awesome? Because this song came up on the playlist. It’s seriously one of our favorite songs (your ears should be burning, Cymbals Eat Guitars). It’s a dead-simple idea that reminds us of a radio Muxtape. Plus, it’s done in HTML5 using the jPlayer framework, which means it will work on your iPhone and iPad. Hello new radio station. (Hat tip Hacker News) source

08 Apr 2010 22:39


Politics: Glenn Beck isn’t just a blabbermouth. He’s a business.

  • $32M the amount Beck made last year alone
  • $13Mthe amount Beck makes from publishing, including books and his own magazine
  • $10Mthe amount Beck makes from his radio show, one of the most popular on the air
  • $9Mthe amount Beck makes elsewhere, including the Web, speaking and TV source

13 Mar 2010 12:35


Biz: Tribune Co.’s CEO micromanages what can be said on the radio

  • 119 words and phrases you can’t say on WGN radio source

22 Jan 2010 11:28


Politics: Air America Radio: It flopped, but it did so with silver lining

  • In the end, Rush is still standing. Almost six years after the launch of Air America, the critical mass of political talk radio listeners still resides on the right.
  • New York Daily News columnist David Hinckley • Regarding the failure of Air America’s left-leaning radio network, which filed for bankruptcy and is about to close. His main arguments in the matter? He notes that the company never had the right personalities for radio, its network was weak compared to other talk-radio outlets, and the model was designed around the ideology rather than the players. But it’s not without silver lining: Al Franken successfully transitioned from comedian to senator, and Rachel Maddow is a huge hit for MSNBC. But in the end, it just couldn’t compete with Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. source

11 Aug 2009 20:05


Biz: All that bad karma catches up to Clear Channel in a big way

  • $3.7 billion in losses for the reason why radio sucks source

02 Aug 2009 11:46


World: Hugo Chavez’s government pulls the plug on radio, makes people angry

  • 34 radio stations in Venezuela have had their licenses taken away by the government, forcing them to stop broadcasting on Saturday source

01 Jul 2009 22:24


Politics: More NPR “torture” drama: Was Salon’s Glenn Greenwald ignored?

  • I played a large role in spawning the controversy in the first place. I think it was pretty cowardly and irresponsible for her not to being willing to address it.
  • Glenn Greenwald • Describing his conflict with NPR Ombudsman Alicia C. Shepard, who responded to his criticism of the radio network’s policy of using the phrase “harsh interrogation techniques” instead of “torture,” but didn’t mention him in the response. Greenwald goes further to say that he invited her on his radio show, but she declined because she apparently didn’t “want to get into a shouting match.” Greenwald just wants her to have a conversation with him about it. He promises no shouting. • source

13 Jun 2009 13:21


Biz, Music: A high school radio station fought the music industry head on

  • WMPH set the example for protesting performance royalties for artists. The station, based in Delaware, is the subject of an FCC complaint filed by the musicFIRST Coalition after they chose not to play any of the artists on this list for a month back in 2007 as an educational protest against the idea of paying performance royalties to artists. In a statement posted on the WMPH site, the station says that, by asking stations to pay for a promotional tool, “the musicFIRST coalition of artists is attempting to hurt the radio stations, disc jockeys, and fans that have always been their greatest ally.” source

25 Mar 2009 10:14


Tech: Like Not in the U.S., U.K. or Germany? This will upset you.

  • 3 monthly subscription fee in all other countries. Free ride’s over. :( source