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10 Oct 2010 23:18


Tech: Sparrow = Dead simple e-mail, and surprisingly, a lot of hype

  • Here’s something that’s never been tried before: Minimalism. In an e-mail client. In an attempt to simplify what may perhaps be one of the most overly-cluttered parts of our daily life, new mail client Sparrow wants you to use e-mail the way that you use Twitter. Crazy idea, but the beta version of this app got 20,000 downloads in a day – really high for a new OSX program. Talk about attention. source

03 Jul 2010 03:01


Music: Mixest: A pretty badass HTML5 take on the Pandora model

  • Know how we know Mixest is awesome? Because this song came up on the playlist. It’s seriously one of our favorite songs (your ears should be burning, Cymbals Eat Guitars). It’s a dead-simple idea that reminds us of a radio Muxtape. Plus, it’s done in HTML5 using the jPlayer framework, which means it will work on your iPhone and iPad. Hello new radio station. (Hat tip Hacker News) source

01 Dec 2009 21:52


Tech: Fair and Square: Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey simplifies buying stuff


  • OK, this is pretty cool. Jack Dorsey, one of the guys behind Twitter, has another startup which promises to revolutionize the process of credit/debit transactions. It’s a tiny square. It requires an audio jack. That’s it. Like Twitter, it’s dead simple. Unlike Twitter, it’s not a super-esoteric concept at the outset, begging people to figure out why it’s necessary. It just makes sense. Kudos. Could someone give us a reason to use this? source

17 Oct 2009 19:47


Tech: Canabalt is the biggest dead-simple time-sucking game ever

  • Canabalt makes us want to stop everything we’re doing and just play it for six hours. But we couldn’t do that to you guys. The game, originally designed for the Experimental Gameplay Project, somehow turns a one-button game into the most-exciting duck-and-jump adventure this side of “Die Hard.” Best part? There’s an iPhone version that’s just as exciting (and simply-designed) as the Flash game.source