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17 Aug 2010 21:12


29 Jun 2010 19:42


11 Apr 2010 09:27


Culture: Good way to wake up: Watch as Texas Stadium implodes

  • The Dallas Cowboys left this stadium a couple of years ago, but this iconic piece of football history will be missed. That said, it’s pretty awesome to see it torn down in a matter of seconds. Our society will not be judged on how quickly it builds something, but how quickly it tears that something down. So, we’re doing pretty good. source

12 Feb 2010 10:32


U.S.: Patrick Kennedy willingly gives up a legacy of Kennedys in Congress

  • 54
    the amount of time a Kennedy has been in Congress in some way, shape or form
  • early
    the period when that’s probably going to end; blame Ted’s kid, Patrick, for this source

16 Sep 2009 09:54


Biz: The rebound continues: Stuff is getting more expensive again

  • 0.4% increase in consumer prices in August; a good sign source

28 Aug 2009 16:51


20 Aug 2009 20:50


Biz, U.S.: Cash for Clunkers over: It’s so hard to say goodbye to yesterday-eeeee

  • 457,000 clunkers number of cars accepted into one of the Obama administration’s most popular programs source

10 Aug 2009 10:31


Biz, U.S.: When do private economists see the recession ending?

  • Q3 but the recovery is gonna take a little while, they say source

30 Jul 2009 20:53


Biz, U.S.: That was quick: The cash-for-clunkers program, put on hold

  • one month the length of time the cash-for-clunkers program was in operation; it was as popular as a pile of free KFC coupons source

17 May 2009 02:35


World: Sri Lanka’s claiming victory. The Tamil Tigers are suicide bombing.

  • Suicide explosions are taking place. Suicide cadres are coming in front of troops in the frontline and exploding themselves.
  • Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara • A military spokesman, on the current status of the longest war in modern Asian history, which Sri Lanka has finally claimed victory in. The LTTE, or the Tamil Tigers, has been conditioned to commit suicide before surrendering, which explains the suicide bombings. The Tamils likely knew this moment was coming, basically begging for a cease-fire a couple of weeks ago. • source