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11 Apr 2010 09:27


Culture: Good way to wake up: Watch as Texas Stadium implodes

  • The Dallas Cowboys left this stadium a couple of years ago, but this iconic piece of football history will be missed. That said, it’s pretty awesome to see it torn down in a matter of seconds. Our society will not be judged on how quickly it builds something, but how quickly it tears that something down. So, we’re doing pretty good. source

08 Aug 2009 17:59


U.S.: Mark Sanford and Jenny Sanford: No longer under the same roof

  • Jenny (and her sons) moved out Friday. South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford continues to be on the outs with his wife Jenny, with the state’s First Lady moving her stuff out yesterday. She plans to take the kids back to Charleston, where they’ll attend school. Both husband and wife said this was for the best for now but said they planned to continue to work out family problems. Personally, we would have loved to see Mark move out into the doghouse. source