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16 Jun 2011 00:09


Politics: Sex scandals hurt Republicans more than Democrats

  • -7.7% effect of a sex scandal on the average Republican politician’s vote share
  • -4.9% effect of a sex scandal on the average Democratic politician’s vote share source

31 Dec 2009 12:55


Culture, Politics: JibJab’s take on 2009 pretty much nails everything

  • Wait, we take that back. We don’t see the Rod Blagojevich/Roland Burris saga, which was as funny as the Mark Sanford saga, if not funnier. Too bad, but they did a good job nailing the bizarre, insanely crazy year that was.

11 Dec 2009 10:10


U.S.: Mark Sanford’s wife, Jenny from the block, files for divorce

  • This came after many unsuccessful efforts at reconciliation, yet I am still dedicated to keeping the process that lies ahead peaceful for our family.
  • A statement from Jenny Sanford • On her decision to file from divorce from her husband, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford. The decision comes six months after the governor admitted to an affair with his Argentinian mistress. Since then, the governor – a former presidential hopeful – has been in a world of hurt. Was it worth it, Mark? Really, was it? source

23 Nov 2009 19:59


U.S.: Charges suggest that S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford ethically challenged

  • 37 problems, and a being caught in an affair was one source

26 Aug 2009 21:17


U.S.: Mark Sanford: You South Carolina sons of #(^@&! are stuck with me

  • I’m not going to be railroaded out of this office by political opponents or people who were not fans of mine in the first place.
  • South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford • In remarks regarding his status in office after Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer (who, like Sanford, is a Republican) pushed for the governor to resign. We wish that the lieutenant governor were Andre Braugher. He’s a great actor, not a guy plotting against a governor who hasn’t broken any laws. • source

08 Aug 2009 17:59


U.S.: Mark Sanford and Jenny Sanford: No longer under the same roof

  • Jenny (and her sons) moved out Friday. South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford continues to be on the outs with his wife Jenny, with the state’s First Lady moving her stuff out yesterday. She plans to take the kids back to Charleston, where they’ll attend school. Both husband and wife said this was for the best for now but said they planned to continue to work out family problems. Personally, we would have loved to see Mark move out into the doghouse. source

17 Jul 2009 17:19


Politics: For fans of political scandal, three words: “C Street House”

  • Chip Pickering’s tie A mistress of former Mississippi Rep. Chip Pickering, who didn’t run for re-election in 2008, was sued by Pickering’s wife on charges of cheating with her hubby in the house.
  • John Ensign’s tie Nevada Sen. John Ensign, currently in the midst of the fallout from his own affair, was apparently roommates with Pickering at the sketchtastic D.C.-based home with religious group ties. source
  • Chip Pickering’s tie A mistress of former Mississippi Rep. Chip Pickering, who didn’t run for re-election in 2008, was sued by Pickering’s wife on charges of cheating with her hubby in the house.
  • John Ensign’s tie Nevada Sen. John Ensign, currently in the midst of the fallout from his own affair, was apparently roommates with Pickering at the sketchtastic D.C.-based home with religious group ties.
  • Mark Sanford’s tie S.C. Gov. Mark Sanford, while a congressman, was a member of the group. When word broke of his recent marital problems, he said he was getting help from the house. Conspiracy theories ahoy! source

15 Jul 2009 12:20


U.S.: Mark Sanford is on another undisclosed trip, this time WITH his wife

  • This trip is personal in nature, and we’re not going to offer any further comment. The governor remains committed to repairing the damage he’s done to his marriage, and so it shouldn’t be any surprise that spending personal time with his wife is a part of that process.
  • S.C. Governor Mark Sanford spokesman Joel Sawyer • On his boss’ decision to leave the state for a week with his wife Jenny, not saying specifically where he’s going. Last time he did that, he was in the Appalachia…Argentina with another woman. But his wife wasn’t there. • source

02 Jul 2009 16:15


U.S.: South Carolina police: Mark Sanford broke no laws with his tryst

  • What he did on his own personal time doesn’t require him to pay back anything. He did that for his own reasons. There was no legal requirement that he pay back any of that.
  • S.C. State Law Enforcement Division Director Reggie Lloyd • On Gov. Mark Sanford’s affair and whether or not he did anything wrong. Lloyd says, after an investigation, he did nothing wrong and in fact didn’t have to pay back any money for that business trip to Argentina he took – during which he had a free day where he was with his mistress. He’s getting called on to step down at the moment, but has avoided the pressure thus far. In other news, he’s a poster boy for why you shouldn’t use e-mail to have an extramarital affair. • source

02 Jul 2009 11:10


Tech, U.S.: The evolution of communication mediums in affairs with politicians