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09 Feb 2011 11:31


Biz: It’s official: Coca-Cola has broken through the Soviet wall

  • 3% the increase in sales volume the company has had in North America in its most recent quarter
  • 5% the sales volume increase the brand has had worldwide in its just-ended fourth quarter
  • 31% the increase in sales volume in Russia; insert hilarious communism joke here source

08 Feb 2010 20:33


Culture: This number should scare you out of drinking another Coke

  • 87% added risk of pancreatic cancer for pop-drinkers source

17 Dec 2009 21:42


Biz: Pepsi doesn’t think the Super Bowl is the best use of their ad money

  • 23 the number of years that Pepsi has had a prominent part of the Super Bowl advertising extravaganza
  • refresh what Pepsi plans to do with their ad money instead, using it for a Web-based charity program source

17 Nov 2009 10:15


Offbeat: Jones Soda subjects Tofurky soda on the Thanksgiving world

  • While many think that eating turkey is the only way to celebrate Thanksgiving, we at Jones Soda suggest that this year you try something new and toast the noble bird with a cold bottle of Tofurky & Gravy.
  • Jones Soda President and CEO Joth Ricci • Describing his company’s new “Tofurky & Gravy” seasonal soda. This company, famously, has sold holiday packs for a number of years, finding excuses to subject the public to wildly awful flavors of soda, but the idea of a Tofurky one takes the cake. Proceeds from the $11.99 holiday pack, which also includes three normal flavors (a change from prior years, when the other flavors were often as disgusting as the turkey), will go to PAWS, an animal charity. • source

17 Sep 2009 10:03


Biz: Is taxing soda a good idea? Doctors, lobbyists push the issue

  • Many doctors say that putting a tax on soda – much like cigarettes – helps promote healthier choices by discouraging the empty calories of sugar water. source
  • The beverage industry (which can throw lots of money at this issue), however, is fighting this idea tooth and nail. And support for the tax is not universal. source

03 Sep 2009 10:40


U.S.: Are taxes needed on junk food to offset their effect?

  • $147 billion the estimated cost of treating and preventing obesity-related illnesses source

03 Aug 2009 11:20


World: Even if appetite sizes don’t shrink, candy bars in the U.K. might

As one way to target the obesity crisis, candy bars and soda cans may come in smaller sizes in the U.K., in hopes that smaller sizes become standard. source

28 Jul 2009 11:02


Biz: The evolution of two soda company icons, in logo form

On the left: A constantly-changing icon that wins a lot of taste tests. On the right: A stable, consistent brand. (Minus the New Coke thing.) source

24 Jul 2009 21:26


Biz, Tech: Coke has a big Facebook brand, but it’s not as big as Starbucks

  • 3.5 million number of fans the soft-drink company has managed to curate on Facebook since Pages began; it was long the leading Facebook brand source

22 Feb 2009 22:51


Biz: A charge too far: US Airways stops charging for drinks

  • $1 for coffee, $2 for soda or water? The airline, in a desire to cut costs and bring in new sources of revenue to fend off bankruptcy, did things that other airlines did – charge for checked baggage, premium seats and using frequent-flier miles to book tickets. But charging for a soda seemed a bit much to most people, so in a memo to employees, CEO W. Douglas Parker said they would back off of the policy starting March 1. Kudos to them for realizing that there’s a limit to nickel-and-diming customers. source