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24 Jul 2010 17:54


Biz: Is Coca-Cola’s Vitaminwater really all that good for you?

  • NO in fact, it’s just non-carbonated sugar water source

04 Oct 2009 11:37


Biz: Coke decides to stop hiding its caloric counts on its bottles

This is a smart move on Coke’s part, though symbolic. Now, let’s see if they screw it up by renaming it iDrink 2.0. source

17 Sep 2009 10:03


Biz: Is taxing soda a good idea? Doctors, lobbyists push the issue

  • Many doctors say that putting a tax on soda – much like cigarettes – helps promote healthier choices by discouraging the empty calories of sugar water. source
  • The beverage industry (which can throw lots of money at this issue), however, is fighting this idea tooth and nail. And support for the tax is not universal. source