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29 Jan 2012 21:05


Biz: Why does the FDA keep seizing imported orange juice?

  • 14% of all foreign orange juice is apparently tainted source
  • » The seized OJ contained a banned fungicide: The Food and Drug Administration has had to step up its orange juice-seizing lately, because a common fungicide called carbendazim, which, mind you, is safe in small amounts, is showing up in some of the imported orange juice. (Initially, this was reported to be a blanket ban, though the FDA says they’re only testing orange juice.) Here’s the kicker, though, from FDA spokeswoman Siobhan DeLancey: “We don’t feel that this is a safety problem. This is more of a regulatory issue.” So basically, they’re seizing a crapload of OJ because it’s got a chemical that is apparently being poorly regulated. You would assume it’s dangerous to consumers, but it’s not. Wait … we’re not following this.

12 Jan 2012 10:37


U.S.: Why the heck did the FDA ban orange juice imports, anyway?

  • what Acting upon concerns first noted by the Coca-Cola company, the Food and Drug Administration banned imports of orange juice until further notice, which on its face sounds pretty dramatic.
  • why The beverage maker noted to the FDA their concerns that illegal fungicide might’ve gotten into the supply. High levels are unlikely, but the measure is precautionary. Sorry juice fans. source

24 Feb 2011 01:58


Culture: Daft Punk Coke bottles: Because hey, Tron is old news now

  • Because, let’s face it, the one thing that the world needed was Daft Punk’s motif all over a couple of Coke bottles, right? Awesome, yes, but we’re not even sure if Moby would’ve gone for a sellout opportunity this calculatedly commercial. Good work, French guys. source

09 Feb 2011 11:31


Biz: It’s official: Coca-Cola has broken through the Soviet wall

  • 3% the increase in sales volume the company has had in North America in its most recent quarter
  • 5% the sales volume increase the brand has had worldwide in its just-ended fourth quarter
  • 31% the increase in sales volume in Russia; insert hilarious communism joke here source

24 Jul 2010 17:54


Biz: Is Coca-Cola’s Vitaminwater really all that good for you?

  • NO in fact, it’s just non-carbonated sugar water source

04 Oct 2009 11:37


Biz: Coke decides to stop hiding its caloric counts on its bottles

This is a smart move on Coke’s part, though symbolic. Now, let’s see if they screw it up by renaming it iDrink 2.0. source

24 Jul 2009 21:26


Biz, Tech: Coke has a big Facebook brand, but it’s not as big as Starbucks

  • 3.5 million number of fans the soft-drink company has managed to curate on Facebook since Pages began; it was long the leading Facebook brand source