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11 Jan 2012 10:42


Biz: Not the Twinkies! Hostess files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy

  • Too many employees, too much debt: Hostess, the company that makes Twinkies, HoHos, Ding Dongs, Zingers and other amusingly-named foods (including Wonder bread), says that it has too many legacy payments. With 12 unions making up 83 percent of its 19,000 employees, the company says it “is not competitive, primarily due to legacy pension and medical benefit obligations and restrictive work rules.” The company, which is still negotiating with its unions, will stay in business thanks to $75 million in financing from lenders. (photo by Like_the_Grand_Canyon on Flickr) source

23 Sep 2010 18:39


U.S.: Whoa, this is heavy, Doc: U.S. to get progressively fatter

  • 75% of America will be obese or overweight by 2020 source

03 Sep 2009 10:40


U.S.: Are taxes needed on junk food to offset their effect?

  • $147 billion the estimated cost of treating and preventing obesity-related illnesses source

20 Feb 2009 12:58


U.S.: Fast food and strokes: Tied together like burgers and fries

  • 13% increase in stroke rates in areas with 33 fast-food restaurants or more source

28 Jan 2009 16:06


U.S.: How much high-fructose corn syrup do people eat?

  • 12 teaspoons per day, on average; it’s higher for junk food eaters source