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Posted on November 17, 2009 | tags


Offbeat: Jones Soda subjects Tofurky soda on the Thanksgiving world

  • While many think that eating turkey is the only way to celebrate Thanksgiving, we at Jones Soda suggest that this year you try something new and toast the noble bird with a cold bottle of Tofurky & Gravy.
  • Jones Soda President and CEO Joth Ricci • Describing his company’s new “Tofurky & Gravy” seasonal soda. This company, famously, has sold holiday packs for a number of years, finding excuses to subject the public to wildly awful flavors of soda, but the idea of a Tofurky one takes the cake. Proceeds from the $11.99 holiday pack, which also includes three normal flavors (a change from prior years, when the other flavors were often as disgusting as the turkey), will go to PAWS, an animal charity. • source