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17 Mar 2011 10:21


World: Japan, out of options, tries crop-dusting Fukushima

Know how bad things have gotten at Fukushima? Well, now the Japanese military is dumping seawater out of a helicopter onto the nuclear plant. This seems unfortunate. source

20 Dec 2010 10:22


U.S.: New EPA study: Erin Brokovich has her work cut out for her

  • $333
    the amount Brokovich got a town of 600 people whose water was contaminated with hexavalent chromium, a carcinogen
  • 31
    also have this carcinogen in their water, which means that Erin might have to take her carcinogen-fighting show on the road source

20 Jun 2010 10:57


U.S.: Kevin Costner’s “dream machine” ready to clean up lots of oil

  • At its core, my dream, this machine, was designed to give us a fighting chance to fight back the oil that has got us by the throat.… When you are in a fight, anybody knows you go to confront it right where it is. You don’t wait for it to come to your door.
  • Actor Kevin Costner • Unveiling the V20 device his company, Ocean Therapy Solutions, developed to separate oil from water. Unlike hay, Costner’s device could have a real impact on the spill if it works – each device is capable of separating about 210,000 gallons of oil from water per day, or 5,000 barrels of oil. He sold 32 of these devices to BP, meaning they could separate up to 160,000 barrels of oil per day. If this actually works, Kevin Costner will have totally made up for “The Postman.” source

31 Mar 2010 10:10


U.S.: Drill-down: Obama has big plans to drill oil out of the East Coast

  • what Obama wants to open up significant parts of the East Coast to oil drilling for the first time.
  • where Almost entirely in the southeast, between Delaware and Florida – about 167 million acres.
  • why Obama wants to win over moderates on a climate change bill and import less oil. source

17 Dec 2009 09:58


U.S.: Thirsty? You won’t be after you see this photo

The NYT has a pretty interesting feature about how tap water is really, really dangerous and relatively unregulated. Stick with the bottles, kids. source

16 Dec 2009 20:49


Tech: This new Earth-like planet needs a name. We have one idea.

We want to name this planet “Elliott Smith,” because more planets should be named after indie rock stars who we adore. Got any other ideas? Vote here. source

07 Dec 2009 20:23


U.S.: It’s likely that you, too, have had a fresh drink of contaminated water

  • 49 million people have had a swig of some dirty dew source

16 Nov 2009 11:18


Offbeat: Bugatti Veyrons, pelicans and water don’t mix very well

  • Well, that’s bound to knock down its value a couple of notches. This Bugatti Veyron, a million-dollar car that’s one of the fastest in the world, recently met a watery fate thanks to a stray pelican. There are other videos with more to them than this, but this is pretty much all you need to know about this crash.source

13 Nov 2009 16:38


Tech: A drop in the bucket? NASA finds tons of water on the moon

  • I’m here today to tell you that indeed, yes, we found water. And we didn’t find just a little bit; we found a significant amount.
  • NASA scientist Anthony Colaprete • Describing the excitement caused by the Lunar Crater Observation and Sensing Satellite, which crashed into the moon last month with the specific purpose of finding water. And oh boy, it found a lot of it: A dozen two-gallon buckets of water. This is promising for many reasons, including the fact that this makes a lunar space station seem possible. We just made a ton of nerds’ days with this news. • source

04 Nov 2009 21:19


U.S.: Automatic drip: California passes a massive water-reform bill

  • $40 billion to fix some faulty pipes or something source