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01 Oct 2009 23:12


Culture: Dustin Diamond’s “Behind the Bell” has the worst cover design ever

Behind the Bell cover
Do we even need to say why? Just look at this crap. It looks like Dustin Diamond designed it himself. Here's why:

1. Forced pose. Diamond looks like he's trying to be the next David Copperfield, or it's a really bad Zack Morris impression.

2. Stretched, generic font. People who have no clue about design won't notice it. But we do, and it kills us.

3. Ganking from Google Images. Dude, you were on the show. You should have six of those photos on your fridge.

4. Bad use of Photoshop stroking. Congratulations, Dustin. You've created a candidate for the Photoshop Disasters hall of fame. SOURCE

01 Oct 2009 22:40


Culture: Jesus Christ, David Letterman. Way to keep us on our toes

  • This morning, I did something I’ve never done in my life. I had to go downtown and testify before a grand jury.
  • David Letterman • Discussing the extortion plot against him on his show tonight. He admitted a couple of big things: He had sex with many of his female staffers, someone tried to extort $2 million dollars out of him, and he went to the authorities rather than go through with it. And you thought Conan O’Brien’s fainting incident was crazy. Larry King is in disbelief even, and he was talking to Jon Gosselin tonight. Somehow, this topped everything that douchebag said. In a way, we’re kind of proud that Letterman was so honest and forthcoming about it. • source

01 Oct 2009 22:18


Tech: Meet Ardi, the superhyped, really old human-type thingy

Hey bros, I'm Ardi. I live in a cave or something. I'm really, really old. I'm like prehistoric. A bunch of scientists just found me and freaked the (#^(^! out. Here are a couple quick facts about me:
4.4 million my age, give or take a few years; I'm holding the exact date close to my chest
Vampire Weekend my favorite band; I want to go see them live after they reincarnate me. That's why they decided to reveal me to the press, right? Right? SOURCE

01 Oct 2009 20:53


Politics: The White House refutes Glenn Beck on its website. Why?

  • In the past, hosting the Olympics has been a source of pride and unity for the country, but once again Fox News’ Glenn Beck program has shown that nothing is worthy of respect if it can be used as part of a partisan attack to boost ratings.
  • White House blogger Jesse Le • Refuting a point that Glenn Beck made saying that Vancouver lost a lot of money on the Olympics. (Protip: Vancouver is hosting the Olympics in 2010, which means that Glenn Beck is an idiot.) But we’re sorry, this is not the White House’s place to refute. The reason why Obama was voted in is because he’s above this garbage. Refuting it puts him at the same level, even if the points are sound. We got this one, Jesse. • source

01 Oct 2009 20:40


U.S.: Support for legal abortion – no matter the situation – is falling fast

  • 47% of respondents say abortions should be legal in all or most cases; that number is down significantly, from 54% last year
  • 45% of respondents say abortion shouldn’t be legal in all or most cases; that number is up from 45% last year source

01 Oct 2009 20:33


Offbeat: A row of hipsters got arrested for an anti-Chicago-Olympic protest

A row of hipsters
  • Here’s the lineup: Jeff Tweedy’s hippie clone, Jeff Tweedy’s other hippie clone, the sixth member of TV on the Radio, the star of the direct-to-video sequel to “Juno,” the drummer for the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, and Vanilla Ice’s stand-in. source

01 Oct 2009 20:20


Music: Hype kills: Kanye West and Lady Gaga’s “Fame Kills” tour axed

  • We blame 50 Cent, because why not? On November 10, the two most overstyled, vapid names in pop music were supposed to launch a co-headlining tour designed to make everyone forget how Kanye treated Taylor Swift (or that Lady Gaga is a possible hermaphrodite). But not long after 50 Cent called it the “Gay Tour,” it got cancelled. Coincidence? We think not. source

01 Oct 2009 20:15


World: The Indonesian quake is reaching a catastrophic death toll

  • 1,100+ people have died in the quake so far source

01 Oct 2009 20:11


Music: Thousands of people want to sound just like T-Pain

  • 300,000 downloads of the T-Pain autotune iPhone app since its launch three freaking weeks ago, which sounds like a pretty successful app
  • $5,000 and a gold chain are up for grabs in the app’s “I’m on a Boat” YouTube contest; get your autotune game together, guys source

01 Oct 2009 11:16


Offbeat: Mix extreme sports and Tetris, and here’s what you get

  • Obviously, don’t try this at home, unless you’re incredibly awesome and have like 30 friends you can do it with.