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23 Aug 2011 15:56


U.S.: Unlikely dual earthquakes strike Colorado, Virginia

  • west A 5.3 quake struck the state of Colorado late Monday, the southern part of the state hit by the rumbling. This is unusual, as Colorado generally doesn’t see high levels of seismic activity.
  • east Today, a 5.9 earthquake struck in Virginia, and sent shock-waves through the northeast — clear to New England, New York, and DC. The USGS says they can’t trace this quake to a specific fault. source

04 Sep 2010 22:21


World: Christchurch, New Zealand quake’s cost almost entirely monetary

  • no
    the good part about yesterday’s big quake in New Zealand
  • $1.4 billion the estimate of damages from the quake; that’s the bad part source

03 Sep 2010 13:17


World: Christchurch quake: Huge earthquake strikes heart of New Zealand

View Larger Map

  • To give you an idea of how bad this could be, Christchurch is the second largest city in the country. Fingers crossed. source

25 Apr 2010 21:50


Offbeat: Here’s a 104-year-old video of pre-quake San Francisco

  • Since films were silent back then, we’re guessing you won’t mind the Air soundtrack that comes with and fits the tone of the whole thing pretty well. One think we’ll note about the cityscape here: Nearly all the buildings you see here no longer exist. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake flattened them. Either way, it’s a pretty awesome clip. source

14 Apr 2010 10:11


World: Rescuers in full search mode after major Chinese earthquake

  • 6.9 the magnitude
    of the quake, as reported by the USGS
  • 400+ people have been
    killed in the wake of the major quake
  • 10k+ people reported injured
    in China’s Qinghai province source

04 Apr 2010 20:43


U.S., World: SoCal quake: Wannabe viral video becomes actual viral video

  • Could the framing of this clip be any less postmodern? Girl with guitar is about to record song for her throngs of YouTube fans, but just happens to catch an insane earthquake instead. Glad it wasn’t worse. HuffPost has a bunch more clips like this. source

31 Mar 2010 23:14


World: Haiti help: The international community should be proud of itself

  • $9.9 billion to help the quake-rocked nation recover source

15 Mar 2010 10:53


World: First earthquakes, now power outages: Chile can’t get a break

  • 90% of the country went dark last night during a quake fundraiser
  • 2,000 number of miles the massive power outage stretched source

11 Mar 2010 10:39


08 Mar 2010 09:58


World: Southeastern Turkey slammed by an early-morning quake

  • 5.9M the size of the earthquake that hit Turkey early this morning
  • 51+ people have died, though a firm number is hard to come by source