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18 Sep 2010 22:50


About: In beta: ShortFormBlog’s new mobile site. (Exciting!!!!! (!!!))

  • Our backburner projectWe’ve wanted to do a proper mobile site for ShortFormBlog since we started this thang. A lot of things happened between then and now. First, we got a job. Second, we committed ourselves to posting on the site every day until the end of time. Then we redesigned. Then we freelanced for AOL News. Then we did a massive congressional spending project for AOL News. Now, 21 months later, here we are. We finally have a mobile site. Took us long enough.

    The highlights• A simple, basic interface that lets the content shine on its own, complete with all the awesome content styles you love us for.
    • An effort to shove in as much of the big blog onto the little blog, complete with graceful degradation. YouTube clips will load as images.
    • Comments from Disqus! Like buttons! Ways to Tweet! A desire to want to throw your phone!

    What we want from youTry it on your phones (it should work by loading on your iPhone, iPod Touch or Android). Tell us what you jerks think! Hope you dig it.

25 Apr 2010 21:50


Offbeat: Here’s a 104-year-old video of pre-quake San Francisco

  • Since films were silent back then, we’re guessing you won’t mind the Air soundtrack that comes with and fits the tone of the whole thing pretty well. One think we’ll note about the cityscape here: Nearly all the buildings you see here no longer exist. The 1906 San Francisco earthquake flattened them. Either way, it’s a pretty awesome clip. source

22 Nov 2009 12:24


Music: Before they were stars: Meet Lady Gaga, a.k.a. Stefani Germanotta

  • Would we care about Lady Gaga if she was still like this? Short answer: No. Long answer: Probably not.

29 Oct 2009 11:01


U.S.: Colorado’s got more snow than it knows what to do with

Let’s hope that this glut of snow means that Richard Heene won’t be able to travel to Hollywood anytime soon. source

01 Sep 2009 20:58


U.S.: Phillip Garrido’s rape sentence got paroled a little too early

  • 50 years length of time the man at the center of the Jaycee Dugard case was sentenced for the rape of Katie Callaway Hall source

12 Jun 2009 20:56


World: Uhhh… wasn’t Ahmadinejad way behind in the Iran election polls?

  • 70% of votes went to Ahmadinejad, Iran’s government sez source

27 May 2009 22:18


Biz: If you work for GM and got paid early, that was no accident

  • Let’s pretend everything’s OK, guys! General Motors is trying to calm rattling nerves of workers by assuring them they’ll still get paid in a bankruptcy. So they decided to pay their employees early this week. “This was purely psychological,” said GM spokesman Tom Wilkinson. “Everybody is just very anxious.” We’re sure this will make up for the forthcoming factory shutdowns. source

03 Mar 2009 21:40


Tech: This Web browser predates Mosaic. It coulda been The One.

Meet Erwise, a browser created by Finns who don’t know how to strike while the iron is hot. source