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14 Jun 2010 11:14


Tech: Geniuses take netbook CPUs and make a cool server out of them

  • See this smug bastard? Wondering why he’s so smug? Well, his company, SeaMicro, just blew up the server industry. This device he’s sitting next to uses hundreds of Intel Atom chips – 512 to be exact – to create supercomputer-level performance with a lower energy footprint than traditional servers. Why does Intel Atom sound so familiar? Oh yeah, those are the chips that they use in slow, low-power netbooks. Nice idea. source

10 Nov 2009 09:37


Tech: Hackbooks/Hackintoshes a victim of latest Snow Leopard update

  • You’ve been killed, hackbook. The newest version of Apple’s Snow Leopard had been rumored to lock out Mac using Atom chips – in other words, netbooks. And despite initial contrary reports, this actually turned out to be the case. Will it last? And will Apple just bite the bullet and get into the netbook market to kill this debate once and for all?source

02 Nov 2009 11:58


Tech: Lame: Apple’s trying to block hacked Macs from its architecture

  • Have an Intel Atom Netbook? It won’t work in the next Snow Leopard update. That’s what Mac hacker Stellarola, behind the OSx86 hacking method, notes. “In the current developer build of 10.6.2,” he writes, “Apple appears to have changed around a lot of CPU related information. One of the effects of this is Apple killing off Intel’s Atom chip.” That means a lot of FrankenMac netbooks could be left out in the cold in the next version of Snow Leopard. *shakes head* We just don’t understand Apple’s inexplicable motives sometimes. source

02 Sep 2009 21:35


Tech: Nokia’s sorta-Netbook has a sorta-laughably-high price

  • $800 for an underpowered Nokia Netbook; pricing fail source

08 Jul 2009 01:32


Tech: Next on Google’s list? A new operating system based on Chrome

  • Windows is screwed. Tonight, Google announced to the world that they’re launching a new Web-leaning OS that will lean on netbooks at first but is also targeted towards desktop PCs. The idea is that it’s a simple OS for people who largely live on the Web. They plan to open-source the software later this year and hope to have something to show for their hard work by the middle of next year. source
  • Windows is screwed. Tonight, Google announced to the world that they’re launching a new Web-leaning OS that will lean on netbooks at first but is also targeted towards desktop PCs. The idea is that it’s a simple OS for people who largely live on the Web. They plan to open-source the software later this year and hope to have something to show for their hard work by the middle of next year.
  • What about Android? We know you’re thinking – doesn’t Google have Android already? Well, yeah. But Google doesn’t mind. “While there are areas where Google Chrome OS and Android overlap,” writes VP Sundar Pichai, “we believe choice will drive innovation for the benefit of everyone, including Google.” So yeah. We expect Windows to go the way of IE’s market share in about five years. source

06 Jul 2009 13:01


Tech: Sprint offers a netbook that costs as much as a candy bar

  • 99¢ but with many two-year contractual strings attached source

27 Jun 2009 21:49


Tech: We don’t think Sony understands why people buy netbooks

  • $2,000 for the uber-not-cheap Vaio P netbook source

11 Mar 2009 01:55


Tech: For those looking to hop on the Apple tablet PC rumor mill …

  • … here’s your evidence. The Taiwanese supplier of Apple’s multitouch screens for its iPhone recently received an order for 10″ screens, according to a source. In case you heard a absurdly excited sound off in the distance, that was a bunch of Apple fanbois freaking-da-eff-out on the prospect of a Netbook from Apple. source

27 Jan 2009 17:06


Tech: Netbooks: An example of technology’s “creative destruction”

  • Netbooks are popular Sure, lots of people could use the horsepower of a speedy laptop or a top-tier desktop computer (MacBook for lyfe), but many are choosing to go with cheap Netbooks instead. These computers are small, inexpensive, sometimes as low as $200, and often use open-source software such as Ubuntu. They can’t handle much more than surfing the Web and hitting up YouTube, but for many, that’s all they need. source
  • Netbooks are popular Sure, lots of people could use the horsepower of a speedy laptop or a top-tier desktop computer (MacBook for lyfe), but many are choosing to go with cheap Netbooks instead. These computers are small, inexpensive, sometimes as low as $200, and often use open-source software such as Ubuntu. They can’t handle much more than surfing the Web and hitting up YouTube, but for many, that’s all they need.
  • It’s happened before Back in the 1990s, the players atop the tech heap included America Online and Sun Microsystems, both relegated to footnotes in today’s market. With netbooks and other disruptive technologies, the cycle could repeat itself: Current big players like Microsoft just announced huge layoffs, and CEO Steve Ballmer noted this fear when announcing the layoffs. “Our model is not for a quick rebound,” he said. source
  • Netbooks are popular Sure, lots of people could use the horsepower of a speedy laptop or a top-tier desktop computer (MacBook for lyfe), but many are choosing to go with cheap Netbooks instead. These computers are small, inexpensive, sometimes as low as $200, and often use open-source software such as Ubuntu. They can’t handle much more than surfing the Web and hitting up YouTube, but for many, that’s all they need.
  • It’s happened before Back in the 1990s, the players atop the tech heap included America Online and Sun Microsystems, both relegated to footnotes in today’s market. With netbooks and other disruptive technologies, the cycle could repeat itself: Current big players like Microsoft just announced huge layoffs, and CEO Steve Ballmer noted this fear when announcing the layoffs. “Our model is not for a quick rebound,” he said.
  • “Creative destruction” Joseph Schumpeter, an Austrian economist from the early 20th century, seems to have nailed the current workings of Silicon Valley with his writings on business cycles. Basically, companies rise to the top of the heap, only to be taken down by other companies with smarter, more svelte ideas. The rise and fall of companies leads to more innovation. And a pretty cool to term describe it. source