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09 Jun 2010 20:18


U.S., World: Did the FBI give Joran van der Sloot his jetsetting money?

  • $250k the amount van der Sloot was reportedly trying to extort from Natalee Holloway’s family
  • $15k the amount the FBI reportedly wired to him to find out infomation on Holloway’s whereabouts
  • $10k the amount van der Sloot was reportedly given by hand and caught counting on video source
  • » What this all means: The FBI might have messed up the extortion case, giving the “Dutch playboy” (ABC’s words, not ours) the money to travel to Peru, where he ended up killing somebody else (per his confession). The FBI denies that they enabled him, but if they did, holy crap.

16 May 2010 21:24


Tech: Wikipedia’s Jimmy Wales smeared by Fox News over child porn on site

  • Fox News is off their rocker. They don’t even bother to contact me before publishing nonsense.
  • Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales • Regarding an article on Fox News’s Web site suggesting that he had lost administrative privileges on his own site after he tried to delete a number of controversial images from the site that could be seen as child pornography. The Fox News article was a follow-up to an earlier piece about a letter now-departed co-founder Larry Sanger sent to the FBI regarding the site’s depictions of child porn, and unfortunately for the site, that one is true (and is a source of great debate amongst editors). source

17 Jan 2010 09:46


U.S., World: FBI fail: Feds compare Bin Laden to a Spanish politician

Spanish politician Gaspar Llamazares, right, is perhaps a bit ticked that someone thought to use his mugshot to update Osama Bin Laden’s mug. source

16 Jan 2010 16:36


U.S., World: Nelson Mandela: An example of terror watch resource waste?

  • 15 years on the U.S. terror watch list after he won a Nobel source

01 Nov 2009 22:02


U.S.: The FBI has a long “terrorist watch” list, and you may be on it

  • 1,600 people are added, on average, to the list every single day, due to a “reasonable suspicion” source

30 Oct 2009 10:42


U.S.: FBI-slain Detroit mosque leader looked just like Dave Chappelle

The FBI is defending its decision to shoot Luqman Ameen Abdullah, but we’re thrown at hello because he looks like he was on Chappelle’s Show. source

26 Oct 2009 21:49


U.S.: The FBI’s coordinated nationwide raids tackle child prostitution

  • 700 were arrested in planned FBI raids on child prostitution rings source

20 Sep 2009 09:57


U.S.: It appears the FBI and NYPD stopped an alleged terror plot

  • 3 were charged with lying to the feds about the plot source

14 Sep 2009 22:02


U.S.: Some raid happened in Queens today; details? Scarce, of course.

  • A bunch of homes in Queens, NY, were raided today by the FBI. Nobody was arrested. Later in the day, a few Congress members were briefed. source
  • Word is that authorities were trying to disrupt a Islamic terror cell after some weekend activity drew the attention of the government. That’s all we know. source

13 Sep 2009 11:55


U.S.: Captured: A guy who recently robbed a bunch of banks

  • The basics ten banks
    four states
    one angry guy
    one goatee
  • The basics ten banks
    four states
    one angry guy
    one goatee
  • The angry robber Chad Schaffner, Most Wanted bank robber source
  • The basics ten banks
    four states
    one angry guy
    one goatee
  • The angry robber Chad Schaffner, Most Wanted bank robber
  • The details Chad Schaffner, a guy with a long history of criminal activity, was arrested yesterday in Kingdom City, Missouri as a suspect in numerous bank robberies. His face was plastered on billboards across the South, which led to his capture. Nobody was hurt in any of the robberies. source