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08 Dec 2011 23:14


U.S.: Texas food stamp tragedy: Awful in more ways than one

  • tragic On Monday, a mother in Texas shot her two children before killing herself. She died at the scene of the shooting. The children later died in the hospital — the daughter on Wednesday, the son Thursday. Just two hours before the shooting, daughter Ramie Grimmer updated her Facebook status to say: “may die 2day.”
  • more tragic Rachelle Grimmer killed her children in a food stamp office, after being denied food stamps on multiple occasions. She had been trying to apply since July but had been unable to do so, due to paperwork issues. The family was extremely poor and had been visited by Child Protective Services twice over neglect issues. source

16 Nov 2011 14:26


U.S.: White House shooting suspect apprehended by authorities

  • friday Shots were fired outside the White House, though fortunately nobody was injured or killed — one bullet hit a window but failed to break the ballistic glass.
  • today Authorities have arrested the man they consider the chief suspect, Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez, who was found in a hotel room in the city of Indiana, PA. source

06 Sep 2011 16:50


U.S.: IHOP shooting: Carson City, Nevada in shock after deadly attack

  • three people dead after a man opened fire with a rifle in a Nevada IHOP on Tuesday morning
  • six people were wounded; the suspect, who died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, hasn’t been identified source
  • » What happened: Witnesses said the man arrived at a Carson City strip mall in a blue minivan, and shot a man on a motorcycle before entering the IHOP, wherein he shot and killed two National Guard members. The man then exited the restaurant and fired towards a few other businesses, apparently before shooting himself. Our thoughts and our hearts obviously go out to those affected by this horrible attack.

23 Jun 2011 14:39


U.S.: Pentagon bomb-scare suspect tied to building shootings

  • Remember those mysterious building shootings near DC a while back? Remember that Marine reservist who got arrested at Arlington National Cemetery last week with some possibly-for-bomb-making fertilizer on his back? Probably the same guy. At least that’s what authorities say about Yonathan Melaku, whom they charged with both crimes earlier today. The FBI says they found a video of him firing at what looks like the Marine Corps Museum in his apartment, along with some bomb-making materials and a list of other things he needed. It’s a good thing they caught this guy when they did, because he may have been a “lone wolf” seriously looking to do some damage. source

14 Jun 2011 15:14


U.S.: Only in America story of the day

  • I could best describe him as a bully. He’s one of those people you’re constantly dealing with — confrontations with law enforcement, confrontations with neighbors
  • Chuck Curry, the county sheriff in Flathead County, Montanna • He’s talking about a guy named David Burgert, someone formerly in charge of a militia that wants to go to war with the National Guard and overthrow the government. Apparently, Burgert got in a shootout with police and then ran into the woods. They’ve been looking for him since the shootout happened Sunday, and they’ve only found stashes of guns and food. Let’s hope this guy doesn’t end up overthrowing our government any time soon. We’re shaking in our boots. source

08 Jun 2011 16:44


World: Are Syrian soldiers defecting instead of combating protests?

  • The Syrian army vs. security: It’s being reported that defections among soldiers in the Syrian military are on the rise, thanks in part to the grisly nature of the deeds they’re being asked to carry out. So says Human Rights Watch researcher Nadim Houry: “…in Daraa, for example, we know there have been some defections and in some cases some soldiers have come under fire from the security forces for defecting.” This allegation isn’t new; security forces have reportedly turned their guns on soldiers unwilling to shoot at civilians for some time now. (Warning: the source article features a graphically unpleasant image of a Syrian policeman who’s been shot dead.) source

16 Mar 2011 15:54


World: Accusations of a “blood money” payment over Raymond Davis release

  • Some new intrigue in the case of Raymond Davis: It’s being broadly reported in a number of news sources that Davis, the CIA operative who shot and killed two men in Pakistan, was essentially bailed out of the charges with U.S. cash. Sources claim that the U.S. government paid somewhere around $700,000 to the three families of the victims (the third casualty was a man who was run over by a responding emergency vehicle). This is in accordance with a provision of Islamic law known as “blood money,” in which charges are dropped for financial payouts to victim’s families. This is, obviously, a story that is generating a lot of ink and a lot of ire; the U.S. steadfastly denies any such payment was made, and has thanked the victim’s families. source

02 Mar 2011 13:42


World: U.S. airmen fired upon outside Frankfurt airport, motive unknown

  • Attack on American airmen in Frankfurt: A gunman, reported by the U.K.’s Guardian as believed to be from Kosovo, opened fire on a military bus at the Frankfurt airport, killing two U.S. airmen and badly wounding two others. While no potential motive has been ascribed, the German authorities arrested a suspect inside the airport shortly after the attack, who they’ve identified as Arif Uka, a twenty-one year old. The Pentagon has not yet offered comment. source

22 Feb 2011 23:47


U.S.: New Jared Lee Loughner mugshots, courtesy of a legal battle

  • A bunch of news organizations fought hard for these photos. More than a dozen media outlets, in fact. And these pics of Jared Lee Loughner, the suspect in last month’s Gabrielle Giffords shooting, only came to light after a court decision forced their release (which prosecutors and defense attorneys fought against, saying that they unfairly biased potential jurors against Loughner). But it wasn’t a total loss for the lawyers. They managed to prevent the release of the search warrant records in the case. That said, these photos don’t seem quite as bad as the iconic one released after he was arrested. source

21 Feb 2011 15:00


World: A video glimpse into the chaos, brutality in Tripoli

  • Not for the faint of heart: This Al Jazeera English clip gives a stark and worthy overview of the bloodshed in Libya, including some particularly grisly shots taken from the streets of Tripoli. Be advised that it’s rather unpleasant to watch, but nonetheless – there’s a truth to the grim images that needs to be presented in times like these. It’s important for the ability of Libyans to make themselves and their horrific struggle known, and to inform our international conscience. source