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03 Mar 2009 23:45


Culture: “Slumdog” is slummin’ among best-picture winners

  • 31st “Slumdog Millionaire’s” rank on the list of the Oscar best-picture winners (out of 82 flicks) source

03 Mar 2009 23:10


Tech: The voice of the Amazon Kindle 2 does what he does best: Talks.

  • I record a massive amount of fragments and random sentences, and they’re able to chop them up in a way that allows my voice to speak whatever is written down – that’s an over-simplification, since I don’t understand all the intricacies of how it works.
  • Tom Glynn • A Boston-based voice actor who’s also the voice of Bank of America and the National Weather Service, among other things. Now he reads books to you like your mom used to. • source

03 Mar 2009 21:54


Biz, Tech: Google to execs: You kept us profitable. Here’s your payday.

  • 4 top execs got bonuses of $1.2 million or more for boosting profits source

03 Mar 2009 21:40


Tech: This Web browser predates Mosaic. It coulda been The One.

Meet Erwise, a browser created by Finns who don’t know how to strike while the iron is hot. source

03 Mar 2009 21:34


U.S.: There’s a lot of roads to repair, a lot of jobs to be had

  • 200 road-repair projects could be covered by the stimulus source

03 Mar 2009 21:30


U.S.: The stimulus is already boosting employment

  • 60 people got jobs today thanks to the stimulus. Go team Obama! source

03 Mar 2009 21:22


U.S.: Obama flips the Bush endangered species policy like THAT!

  • He just let the experts back into the room. Barack Obama, while celebrating the 160th anniversary of the Interior Department, announced that he was changing a Bush environmental policy finalized in December. The policy allowed federal agencies to decide if projects would endanger species – a major tenet of the Environmental Protection Act – without consulting the experts. Obama, in an announcement, gracefully reversed that policy. This is why Michelle is taken, Jack Cafferty! source

03 Mar 2009 21:03


Culture: Yo, NBC, you should’ve made Justin Timberlake the host!

Jimmy Fallon gave deer in headlights a bad name. Timberlake, on the other hand, ruled. source

03 Mar 2009 20:46


U.S.: Where does Gary Condit stand in the Levy case?

  • Everyone was thinking that Gary was involved in something that he was not a part of and it was horrible. It has always followed him, followed our family.
  • Jean Condit • Gary’s mom, on how the case ruined his life. Condit was forced to make a living in real estate in Arizona after the glare of the spotlight hit, and is not ready to talk about the case. Understandably. It ruined his life. • source

03 Mar 2009 20:34


U.S.: Years later, an arrest warrant in the Chandra Levy murder

  • A cold, infamous case The murder of congressional staffer Chandra Levy in 2001, long a hot button on the media radar, had the effect of destroying the career of a politician – California congressman Gary Condit, who had an affair with Levy separate from the incident. Levy’s case only left the public eye after 9/11 and is considered a key example of media sensationalism. source
  • A cold, infamous case The murder of congressional staffer Chandra Levy in 2001, long a hot button on the media radar, had the effect of destroying the career of a politician – California congressman Gary Condit, who had an affair with Levy separate from the incident. Levy’s case only left the public eye after 9/11 and is considered a key example of media sensationalism.
  • The suspect An arrest warrant was issued for Ingmar Guandique, an illegal immigrant already in jail for similar attacks on women in the same area of D.C. Levy was murdered. The case, long cold, was reinvigorated after a new set of investigators was put onto the case. And unlike Condit, they appear to have credible evidence against Guandique. source