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22 Jan 2011 11:37


World: What the hell, Bob Barr? Ex-US politician helping “Baby Doc” in Haiti

The former Clinton-attacking legislator, who once got duped by “Borat,” is acting as Jean-Claude “Baby Doc” Duvalier’s voice to the international community. Why? source

11 Aug 2010 11:12


Politics: Happy birthday Charlie Rangel! Ethics trials are good presents

  • Strangely enough, some guests can’t attend his party. Rangel, who turns 80 today, plans to have a $200-a-plate dinner gala tonight, with the proceeds going to Rangel’s ethics-stained reelection campaign. He has invited a number of political bigwigs who may or may not show up – including Bill Clinton (can’t make it), David Paterson (not confirmed), Charles Schumer (not confirmed) and Michael Bloomberg (not confirmed). Worst of all, the night’s entertainment, Aretha Franklin, can’t make it either, due to a rib injury. The 20-term congressman recently made a passionate speech about his plight. source

14 Jul 2010 11:31


Politics: Rep. Jerrold Nadler is a guy who stiffs cabbies on their fares

  • He said I will not pay you if you don’t take me running the same meter which we came with.
  • Unlucky cabbie Abraham Habteab • About a minor scandal which happened under his watch – Rep. Jerrold Nadler of New York skipped out on a cab ride, because he was ticked about the fare. Nadler was in the wrong – Habteab was in the right to restart the meter, and charge for the wait time caused by Nadler going to a nearby hotel. Dude, just pay the guy. You know you can afford it. source

07 Nov 2009 23:30


U.S.: Likely to get tarred & feathered soon: Joseph Cao of Louisiana

Joseph Cao is cruisin’ for a brusin’ as the only Republican to vote in favor of the House bill. Barricade yourself in a room man. They’re coming. source

05 Aug 2009 23:33


U.S.: William Jefferson’s freezer didn’t protect him from a conviction

  • 11 of the 16 charges against the lamest congressman ever stuck source

24 Jul 2009 12:24


Politics: The Obama “birther” movement gets an iconic smackdown video

  • Chris Matthews pulls no punches in laying the smacketh down on Republican Congressman John Campbell, who’s co-sponsoring a bill requiring presidential candidates to provide U.S. birth certificates. However, this video doesn’t put the issue to rest for some, as the YouTube comments clearly question Obama’s Certificate of Live Birth. We’re convinced this issue won’t die simply.source

03 May 2009 10:12


U.S.: Five fast facts about Jack Kemp, 1935-2009

  • His football success was unlikely: He was a late-round pick by Detroit and a journeyman QB for years. source
  • The Buffalo Bills, the team with which he had MVP-level success, picked him up on a $100 waiver. source
  • Kemp got into the political game very soon after retiring from football in 1969, getting elected in 1970. source
  • The popular nine-term Republican congressman eventually had a failed presidential bid in 1988. source
  • He’s best-known, however, for being Bob Dole’s veep choice in his failed 1996 presidential run. source

27 Apr 2009 01:38


Politics, U.S.: Meet Paul Ryan, one of the GOP’s rising superstars

Ryan, a Wisconsin congressman and policy wonk, could join Bobby Jindal in being a guiding light for the party’s future. source

14 Apr 2009 10:16


U.S.: The story that will not die, the Blago case, ropes in another guy

  • Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. is on the hot seat now. Federal investigators have taken a larger interest in Jackson, son of a more famous Jesse Jackson and a Democratic congressman from Illinois. The day before former governor Rod Blagojevich was arrested, Jackson went to Blago in an attempt to sell him on appointing him to the seat. Whether that was through “I’m the right guy” truisms or through pay-for-play mechanisms, that’s what investigators hope to find out. Either way, he probably would’ve beat this guy any day of the week. source

03 Mar 2009 20:46


U.S.: Where does Gary Condit stand in the Levy case?

  • Everyone was thinking that Gary was involved in something that he was not a part of and it was horrible. It has always followed him, followed our family.
  • Jean Condit • Gary’s mom, on how the case ruined his life. Condit was forced to make a living in real estate in Arizona after the glare of the spotlight hit, and is not ready to talk about the case. Understandably. It ruined his life. • source