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29 Sep 2010 20:37


Politics: Did Meg Whitman ditch her undocumented housekeeper?

  • I was shocked and hurt that Ms. Whitman would treat me this way after nine years. I realized at that moment that she didn’t appreciate my work. I felt like she was throwing me away like a piece of garbage.
  • Meg Whitman’s former housekeeper Nicky Diaz • Showing up a couple days before October to prevent herself from becoming an “October surprise.” See, Diaz, an undocumented immigrant, was the California gubernatorial candidate’s housekeeper for nine years, only to be unceremoniously fired in an attempt by Whitman to hide the fact for political reasons. “From now on you don’t know me and I don’t know you,” Diaz claims Whitman said to her back in 2009. Whitman, who is generally very free-spending, reportedly didn’t pay some of Diaz’s wages. And who’s Diaz’s lawyer? That’s right. Gloria Allred. If this is true, Meg’s so screwed. source

01 Sep 2010 23:54


U.S.: Discovery Building gunman James Lee spent time in jail

  • 18 monthsthe amount of time he was sentenced in 2003 for smuggling an illegal immigrant in California
  • 11 monthsthe amount of time James Jae Lee, a self-described “loner,” actually spent in jail for the incident source

03 Mar 2009 20:34


U.S.: Years later, an arrest warrant in the Chandra Levy murder

  • A cold, infamous case The murder of congressional staffer Chandra Levy in 2001, long a hot button on the media radar, had the effect of destroying the career of a politician – California congressman Gary Condit, who had an affair with Levy separate from the incident. Levy’s case only left the public eye after 9/11 and is considered a key example of media sensationalism. source
  • A cold, infamous case The murder of congressional staffer Chandra Levy in 2001, long a hot button on the media radar, had the effect of destroying the career of a politician – California congressman Gary Condit, who had an affair with Levy separate from the incident. Levy’s case only left the public eye after 9/11 and is considered a key example of media sensationalism.
  • The suspect An arrest warrant was issued for Ingmar Guandique, an illegal immigrant already in jail for similar attacks on women in the same area of D.C. Levy was murdered. The case, long cold, was reinvigorated after a new set of investigators was put onto the case. And unlike Condit, they appear to have credible evidence against Guandique. source