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19 Sep 2010 10:35


U.S.: In Missouri, judges can factor in a prison sentence’s price tag

  • Well, that’s one way to help shore up the budget. In Missouri, judges are now being given price tags for various types of sentences. And the main lesson to learn from this? Putting people in jail for a long time is way more expensive than simply giving them probation. No other state does it, and it’s created a bit of debate for the way that it seems to encourage weaker sentences. Our thought? If it means having safer streets, we’d rather have the added deficit. source

26 Mar 2009 20:37


U.S.: Those evil Pa. juvenile court judges got their convictions overturned

  • up to 1,200 kids will get their convictions overturned, thanks to the Pa. Supreme Court; the sentences tended to be surprisingly harsh and involved private juvenile detention centers source

03 Mar 2009 23:10


Tech: The voice of the Amazon Kindle 2 does what he does best: Talks.

  • I record a massive amount of fragments and random sentences, and they’re able to chop them up in a way that allows my voice to speak whatever is written down – that’s an over-simplification, since I don’t understand all the intricacies of how it works.
  • Tom Glynn • A Boston-based voice actor who’s also the voice of Bank of America and the National Weather Service, among other things. Now he reads books to you like your mom used to. • source