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28 Aug 2010 13:47


Politics: Glenn Beck did it: “Restoring Honor” is filled to the brim with people

  • Something beyond imagination is happening. America today begins to turn back to God. For too long, this country has wandered in darkness.
  • Glenn Beck • During a speech he made at the Restoring Honor thang, which has drawn a small handful of people. Beyond our personal issues with the quote, mainly because we personally prefer nonreligious Humanism, the scope of what Beck has put together is pretty impressive. “We are humbled that you are here,” he said. “The reflecting pool holds about 200,000 people. This field back here holds about 250- to 300,000 people. They are not only full here, they’re full in that field, they’re full behind me, and they are now across the street approaching the Washington Monument.” So yeah, this thing was kind of a hit. source

11 Aug 2010 23:09


Offbeat: Breakdown: Yesterday’s ultra-viral hoax featuring Jenny, a.k.a. Elyse

  • anyone fooled by this needs to try harder. Jenny, the employee who quit her job via dry-erase board, was proven to be a hoax today. But then again, it did fool some people. We’re actually not disappointed. Anyone who looked at those photos would wonder why the quality of them was basically perfect, like they had been shot in a studio. Because they had been. This hoax flew through the Internet in a matter of hours, which leaves a lot of questions about both the girl (real name: Elyse “I’m freaking famous now” Porterfield) and the traffic she drew. So, let’s throw out some numbers.
  • 20 girls applied to an ad looking for an actress for the role; Elyse was the obvious choice
  • two the number of hours the photo shoot took – half of which was spent on waiting for a battery to charge
  • 421,000 total Facebook shares (whoa)
  • 2.5Mthe amount of traffic usually gets each month
  • 2.5M the amount of traffic got yesterday alone
  • 2.5M the amount of traffic got today (at last count)
  • » How has it worked out for Elyse? Well … her Facebook fan page is brimming with new fans. Like, 4,100 or so. While she claims to have gotten more marriage proposals than job offers, she did get a few of those, too. She should do a commercial with the Old Spice Guy. source

19 Jul 2010 21:58


Tech: Based on the numbers alone, Tumblr is becoming the new Twitter

  • 6.25million visitors tumbling their logs each month
  • 4.5Mnumber of posts getting tumbled each day
  • 650,000 number of posts getting tumbled daily a year ago
  • 255M number of pageviews the tumblelogging site got in July 2009
  • 420M number of pageviews Tumblr had leaped to by November 2009
  • 1.5B number of pageviews they had in June; thanks John Mayer source
  • » Should we switch to Tumblr? Obviously, with its quickly-growing community, focus on functionality and expansion, dead-simple API and genius “reblog” function, this awesome platform appears to be where it’s at. Nothing against you, WordPress, but this whole fracas with the maker of the popular Thesis theme suggests that you should take a step back.

08 Apr 2010 22:39


Politics: Glenn Beck isn’t just a blabbermouth. He’s a business.

  • $32M the amount Beck made last year alone
  • $13Mthe amount Beck makes from publishing, including books and his own magazine
  • $10Mthe amount Beck makes from his radio show, one of the most popular on the air
  • $9Mthe amount Beck makes elsewhere, including the Web, speaking and TV source

01 Mar 2010 11:19


Biz, Tech: Conde Nast trying this iPad publishing thing, with a big caveat

  • They won’t do titles other than their most popular unless Adobe and Apple get along. Later this year, you can expect issues of Wired, GQ, The New Yorker, Vanity Fair, and Glamour to hit the iPad in an “experimental” format. But it won’t go beyond that unless Apple can reach an accord with Adobe, because two development tracks is kind of a pain. They do have some encouraging numbers working in their favor. 22,000 people paid $2.99 for an iPhone-formatted version of GQ. source

08 Feb 2010 10:48


Music: Hot Chip’s new album gets the band more Pitchfork love than ever

  • 8.4 the rating of “One Life Stand,” which may blow them up source

Previous Pitchfork ratings

  • 7.0 the rating of their breakthrough to mainstream popularity, “Made in the Dark” source
  • 8.1 the rating of second platter “The Warning,” which they call a “step forward” source
  • 8.0 the rating of first album “Coming on Strong,” which was a tad bit cheeky source

31 Jan 2010 20:38



29 Dec 2009 09:48


Tech: Netflix’s online streaming a hit, but studios don’t like it much

  • 47% of Netflix users take advantage of on-demand streaming content
  • annoyed the movie studios’ take on the uber-popular product source

10 Dec 2009 01:36


U.S.: We’re going to use three circles to describe Afghan War support

  • 51% support the idea of sending more troops to Afghanistan
  • 43% prefer to keep the troops we have now – if none at all
  • 6% don’t really care either way because they don’t wanna source
  • For some reason, we had been wanting to play with a style like this on the blog for months, but only got to doing it tonight. Let us know what you think and you might see it more often. (P.S.: Not to be harsh, but if you’re reading this using Internet Explorer, this is gonna look ugly, but we’re OK with that. Maybe it’ll convince you to get a better browser or something.)

29 Nov 2009 22:08
