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18 Jun 2010 22:27


World: Kyrgyzstan conflict: Holy crap, there’s a lot of people who need help

  • 1M number of people directly affected by the ethnic conflict
  • 191 number of people killed in the conflict since it started last week
  • $65M the amount of help the UN is trying to get the country source

28 Feb 2010 10:09


World: Chile earthquake: Lots of people lost their shelter in the quake

  • 1.5 million people displaced by the Chile quake source

21 Nov 2009 10:46


World: Sri Lanka’s ready to let go of thousands of displaced Tamils

  • 130,000 Tamils could be released source

29 Jul 2009 18:31


World: Things aren’t looking so hot in Nigeria after three days of fighting

  • 4,000 Nigerians displaced after 3 days of civil violence source

24 May 2009 10:54


Politics, World: Sri Lanka needs to deal with the mess it made during the war

Yo, Sri Lanka – see all these Tamil people stuck in displacement camps? This isn’t cool. Take care of this. Now. source

21 Mar 2009 08:56


U.S., World: The Iraq War has had a devestating effect on millions of civilians

  • 4.7 million civilians have been displaced during the war source

15 Mar 2009 11:25


World: Sri Lanka’s Tamil Tigers conflict takes a huge toll

  • 36,000 civilians have been displaced during the conflict’s recent flare-up, the Red Cross says source

04 Mar 2009 10:45


World: How many people from Darfur have been displaced?

  • 2.5 million Darfuris have been forced to flee their homes source