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26 Nov 2009 16:00


World: Massive rainfall in Saudi Arabia leaves a large death toll

  • 77+ have died as a result of the floods source

30 Oct 2009 22:04


U.S., World: Afghanistan officially a sucky place to be for U.S. troops

30 Oct 2009 10:13


U.S., World: The risks of U.S. military presence in Afghanistan are pretty high

Reuters uses a pretty stark example of how a nothing mission quickly turned deadly. Obama, pay heed as you decide to add more troops. source

30 Sep 2009 08:17


World: It could have been worse, but the Samoa tsunami still killed many

  • 99+ people have been killed near Samoa by the tsunami source

22 Sep 2009 20:18


U.S.: The financial toll from the flooding is nothing short of massive

  • $250 million in estimated damages; many are uninsured source

28 Apr 2009 08:45


U.S., World: The swine flu death toll has risen significantly

  • 152 deaths have been reported, all of them in Mexico source

24 Apr 2009 10:47


World: Sri Lanka and the UN can’t agree on who’s in danger

  • A document from the UN claims 6,432 civilians have been killed and 13,946 wounded. Sri Lanka says these numbers are inflated. source
  • The UN says at least 108,000 have left the Tamil warzone since Monday; Sri Lanka says 196,000 have escaped since the beginning of the year. source
  • The UN estimates that 50,000 people are still trapped in the warzone; Sri Lanka says the number is much closer to 10,000 to 20,000. (It’s a lot.) source

07 Apr 2009 08:14


World: The toll from the Italy earthquake rose fast

  • 207 dead, 15 missing, 1,000+ injured in the Italy quake source

06 Apr 2009 08:49


World: A quake in Italy could leave a huge death toll

  • 6.3 The magnitude of the quake, which hit L’Aquila, in central Italy, earlier today source

21 Mar 2009 08:56


U.S., World: The Iraq War has had a devestating effect on millions of civilians

  • 4.7 million civilians have been displaced during the war source