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05 Sep 2011 23:46


World: Tropical Storm Talas rips through Japan, causes heavy damage

  • Workers in western Japan look for survivors: As of Monday night, 26 people have died from the storm and another 53 are missing. Officials have asked 440,000 people to evacuate, according to Japan’s Fire and Disaster Management Agency; over 5,400 homes have flooded already. Roughly 19,000 homes are without power. Talas is the worst cyclone to hit the country in the past seven years. (Photo via Jiji Press/AFP/Getty Images) source

15 May 2011 15:18


U.S.: Mississippi floodways opened to keep big cities safe

  • Saving urban areas by flooding farmland: Officials opened up the Morganza Floodway Saturday in an attempt to divert water from the Mississippi River, which will eventually drain into the Gulf of Mexico. Even though this move will destroy valuable crops, it’s better than running the risk of flooding large cities like New Orleans at levels worse than Hurricane Katrina. (Photo from US Army Corps of Engineers’ Flickr page.) source

13 Jan 2011 10:26


World: Queensland Premier Anna Bligh: Brisbane flooding like a “war zone”

“What I’m seeing looks more like a war zone in some places,” Bligh said. “All I could see was their rooftops … underneath every single one of those rooftops is a horror story.” source

12 Jan 2011 10:50


World: Reminder: Snow sucks, but not as much as Australia’s flooding

Brisbane-area floodwaters have reached the second story of some homes. “This is an extraordinary, once in a 100 year event or more,” said Queensland Premier Anna Bligh. source

11 Jan 2011 10:38


World: Australian floods: Brisbane about to get gobsmacked

One of Australia’s largest cities (2 million people and counting) is bracing for the largest flood its faced since at least 1974. More than a third of the city is in danger. source

16 Aug 2010 11:03


World: How bad is Pakistan’s flooding? This number puts it in sharp relief

  • 3.5 million children are susceptible to water-bourne disease source

26 Nov 2009 16:00


World: Massive rainfall in Saudi Arabia leaves a large death toll

  • 77+ have died as a result of the floods source

28 Sep 2009 08:48


World: The flooding death toll in the Phillippines rises significantly

  • 140 killed in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Ketsana, at latest count source