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27 Jan 2011 14:14


U.S.: CDC issues dire estimate of American diabetes

  • 105 million people with diabetes or prediabetes, CDC claims source

25 Oct 2009 10:00


U.S.: A couple numbers to note about swine flu’s emergency state

  • 46
    currently have widespread levels of swine flu running through their populations; 1,000 people have died so far source

10 Sep 2009 23:49


U.S.: A little swine flu vaccine goes a long way, apparently

  • one shot to avoid H1N1; time to party! source

09 Sep 2009 23:45


U.S.: Swine Flu: Someone in your dorm already has it (probably)

  • 73% of colleges are reporting swine flu-like symptoms source

30 Aug 2009 22:12


U.S.: All the big trends hit New York City first, including swine flu

  • 10% of New Yorkers may have already had swine flu source

24 Aug 2009 22:00


U.S.: This swine flu number should scare the bejesus out of you

  • 90,000 swine flu deaths predicted this fall source

04 Aug 2009 00:55


World: China tries, fails to avoid the pneumonic plague like the plague

  • 3 people have died from the pneumonic plague so far source

22 Jun 2009 00:05


World: In South Africa, rape is not just a problem. It’s an epidemic.

  • 25%+ of South African men admitted to committing rape in a recent poll source

09 May 2009 14:57


U.S.: The swine flu count is still going up in the U.S.

  • 2,254 confirmed H1N1 cases and counting source

05 May 2009 10:01


World: Mexico’s swine flu fears seem to be easing up a bit

  • PANIC!!! Close the schools, close the movie theaters and everything else so that we can hold back swine flu! source
  • OK, we think we’ve seen the worst of it. We’ll open everything back up Wednesday. Fingers crossed guys. source