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10 Feb 2011 10:46


World: Roundup: Reports confirming Mubarak’s possible departure

  • BBC Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq told BBC Arabic that the possibility of Hosni Mubarak’s departure was being discussed, without giving a timetable.
  • Ch. 4 Reporter Lindsey Hilsum says that she got word from Hossam Badrawy, the new leader of Mubarak’s National Democratic Party, that he could be out tonight.
  • NBC The network says that they got confirmation that he is leaving from a source inside the presidential office, then confirmed it with another source. Hmm. source

20 Dec 2009 14:01


09 Sep 2009 23:45


U.S.: Swine Flu: Someone in your dorm already has it (probably)

  • 73% of colleges are reporting swine flu-like symptoms source

27 Aug 2009 10:42


World: The Afghan presidential election has a lot of reports of fraud

  • 1,915 reports of fraud on the books so far source

02 Aug 2009 12:09


Politics: Has anyone else reached a Sarah Palin oversaturation point yet?

  • I say WHO CARES!! I am so tired of this woman and the ‘news’ about her I could scream!!
  • Christian Science Monitor commenter Poolgirl • Regarding the latest spate of Palin chatter. Some of the overcoverage may be Palin-produced, honestly. “Palin effectively guaranteed coverage from the mainstream media that otherwise would not report claims attributed to unnamed sources on an anonymous blog,” said Politico’s Jonathan Martin, who blames her publicist, Meg Stapleton, for making the divorce claim a news story, considering the source was basically anonymous. • source

12 Jul 2009 23:00


World: Kim Jong Il and Steve Jobs have something in common

  • North Korea’s lead dude has pancreatic cancer. Well, that explains a lot. The recent decline in public appearances by the North Korean leader, along with the heavy amount of ballsy provocations by the country, has hinted that something might be up with his health. And a report by Yonhap Television News confirms it. So, yeah, time to start thinking about that line of succession. source

27 Jun 2009 10:55


Culture: Michael Jackson’s autopsy: Inconclusive. Wait for toxicology.

  • Another 4-to-6 weeks (at least) of lack of clarity. The autopsy of Michael Jackson, who was reported to have been injected with narcotic painkillers shortly before his death, has proven inconclusive. That means, yes, weeks of speculation of 24-hour news channels await us until we possibly learn the truth about what happened. Unless, you know, the toxicology reports also come up inconclusive. In which case, we’re screwed. source

22 Jun 2009 09:57


World: The current death toll and arrest count in Tehran; numbers may fluctuate

  • 13+ people have been confirmed killed by Iranian TV; other reports have the number much higher source

06 Mar 2009 15:41


Biz: Let’s shoot holes through that “nobody reads newspapers” argument!

  • 30% of people read the print edition of a newspaper daily or near-daily source