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13 Aug 2010 00:56


World: Hundreds of Tamil refugees are on a boat (against their will)

  • 500 Tamils were found on a boat near British Columbia source
  • » Wait a second … Yes, you read that right. British Columbia. Somehow the Tamils, reportedly being held there by terrorists and criminals, were brought all the way to Canada. From Sri Lanka. Remember that war they had where all those Tamils got killed? Here’s what the Tamil Tigers are doing now. Reportedly trafficking humans.

21 May 2010 11:29


World: Sri Lanka may have violated human rights in Tamil Tigers conflict

  • Two human rights groups reportedly have the goods on them. A year after the end of a longstanding civil war in Sri Lanka, both Human Rights Watch and the International Crisis Group are suggesting there’s evidence that the Sri Lankan army brutalized men, women, and children in an attempt to end a 30-year war. In HRW’s case, they have photos that we don’t want to see. Sri Lanka’s government dismisses the claims. source

21 Nov 2009 10:46


World: Sri Lanka’s ready to let go of thousands of displaced Tamils

  • 130,000 Tamils could be released source

26 Oct 2009 21:31


World: Sri Lanka’s feeling pressure over abuses in Tamil Tiger war

  • 280,000 people are still in camps source

24 May 2009 10:54


Politics, World: Sri Lanka needs to deal with the mess it made during the war

Yo, Sri Lanka – see all these Tamil people stuck in displacement camps? This isn’t cool. Take care of this. Now. source

19 May 2009 10:17


Politics, World: Tamils abroad can’t believe the news from Sri Lanka

  • If his death is true, it is devastating news to Tamils. We didn’t have the motivation to stand up but he changed all of that.
  • London businessman G Allesgunaseelan • On the end of the Sri Lankan civil war and the death of Vellupillai Prabhakaran, the iconic leader of the Tamil Tigers. Allesgunaseelan fears that Prabhakaran’s death could spell a removal of Tamil culture from Sri Lankan society. He’s not alone in his fears and concerns about Sri Lanka. • source

11 May 2009 08:31


World: A designated safe zone in Sri Lanka didn’t prevent civilian deaths

  • 1,000+ civilians got caught in the middle source

29 Apr 2009 10:48


World: European countries: Cease-fire? Sri Lanka: *shakes head* NO!

  • They will not give up the fight with Tamil rebels. U.K. and French ministers tried to convince the Sri Lankan military to change its tune, but it continues to not want to budge, for fear of giving the Tamil Tigers time to regroup. The ministers also tried convincing the Tamil Tigers to let civilians leave what’s now described as a two-square-mile area holding up to 50,000 people. Someone has to budge here. source

26 Apr 2009 11:38


World: Tamil Tigers: We want a cease-fire. Sri Lanka: No.

  • In response to a severely weakened position as well as for humanitarian reasons, the Tamil Tigers have asked for a unilateral cease-fire. “We are in full agreement that the humanitarian crisis can only be overcome by declaration of an immediate cease- fire,” the group said. source
  • Despite thousands of people suffering and criticism from the UN, the Sri Lankan military says the Tigers must surrender. “They were not fighting with us; they were running from us,” Sri Lankan defense secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa said, calling the cease-fire offer a “joke.” source

26 Apr 2009 03:10


World: The numbers game continues between Sri Lanka and the Tamil Tigers

  • 150,000 number of people the Tamil Tigers claim are near starvation in the Sri Lankan warzone source