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23 Mar 2010 11:20


U.S.: We hope we don’t get arrested like this Milwaukee student today

  • The person who shot this is totally in stealth mode, clearly nervously trying to keep this camera out of sight of the scene. The scene? Crazy student gets arrested for throwing a water bottle at a fellow University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee student during class. Based on the clip, she let it escalate to this point. But wow, we’re glad we’ve never had a class quite like this. source

22 Mar 2010 21:55


Politics: Max Headroom: Bill O’Reilly upgraded to the voice of reason

  • Since, first, we missed it this weekend, and second, so much happened in the last 24 hours, we’re throwing you a special Monday edition of Max Headroom. Enjoy, and don’t say we don’t ever give you things!
  • civil wrong Glenn Beck needs to check his history books before he talks. Seems the guy who he was offended about looking like a civil rights marcher was Rep. John Lewis … a civil rights marcher. Oops.
  • O’Reilly: It was “Hysteria” The right-leaning talk radio dudes were so crazy today that even Bill O’Reilly was just like, holy crap, really? OK, granted, the GOP just lost a major political victory, but still. Wow.
  • sorry about that, guys On CNN today, Rep. Randy Neuge­bauer apologized for that “baby killer” comment in regards to Bart Stupak, but still stands by it. We stand by the “he who smelt it, dealt it” policy, really.

19 Mar 2010 16:33


U.S.: “They just were frozen”: California women critically hurt in bee attack

  • two number of women stung in the freak incident
  • 100 number of stings each had; they were covered head to toe source

19 Mar 2010 11:35


Offbeat: Police keep messing with old couple because their computers suck

If this woman seems annoyed, it’s because she is. NYC police have raided her house 50 times since 2002 for no good reason other than a computer error. source

19 Mar 2010 08:17


Offbeat: Rich Indians in helicopters: A bizarre New York Times trend story

Step one: Take newly rich Indian farmers. Step two: Give them helicopters. Rinse and repeat. Let’s see Danny Boyle try to romanticize this. source

16 Mar 2010 20:56


Politics: Shh. Dennis Kucinich has something to say. Pay attention!

  • Did Dennis Kucinich get the UFO kickback? Tomorrow, Congress’ strangest member could announce a profound changing of mind on a bill he has fought against because it doesn’t go far enough. Obama went to Kucinich’s district for a health care rally on Air Force One over the weekend, and it could’ve changed Denny’s mind. Or maybe not. Either way, dude has more attention on him than ever before. source

16 Mar 2010 11:46



13 Mar 2010 13:08


Culture: The first and only time “The Marriage Ref” will ever be funny

  • OK Ricky, we admit it. We put crack in your drink. Pretty much everything about “The Marriage Ref” is stupid as heck, especially the fact that Jerry Seinfeld produced it, but at least the celebrities appearing on the show seem to realize it too. Ricky Gervais calls it “the weirdest show I’ve ever been on,” and is bewildered at his fellow celebrity guests – Larry David and Madonna. At least the celebrities agree that this show sucks. source

12 Mar 2010 10:54


Music: Lady Gaga’s new video, “Telephone” might as well be porn

  • We’re not sure what offends us more about this video – the obvious advertising (we counted Diet Coke, Virgin Mobile,, Little Debbie, Wonder Bread and Miracle Whip), the use of trash as clothing accessory, the use of Quentin Tarantino’s famous “#*#*@ Wagon,” the awful dialogue between Gaga and Beyonce halfway through the video, the bizarre shot of Gaga making a sandwich, Beyonce’s dreadful “I knew you’d take all my honey, you selfish mother(#(&@#” line, the fact that Lady Gaga poisoned a room full of people, or the fact that the title font is the same font as our logo font. Actually, that last part offends us most.

11 Mar 2010 21:23


Culture: The Price is Creepy: Bob Barker was a sexual harassment machine

  • “Tickie, tickie, tickie!” We do not see Drew Carey trying to get away with any of these Showcase Showdown moves. Pretty much across the board, all of these “Price is Right” moments are just a little creepy. We have to imagine over time, Bob Barker mellowed out and avoided saying explicitly sexual stuff on the air, but in these clips, he’s still fairly young and still fairly handsome. And creepy. Oh, man, is he just a massive creepbag. source