All I ask of you is one thing: please don’t be cynical. I hate cynicism – it’s my least favorite quality and it doesn’t lead anywhere. Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.
Conan O’Brien • Concluding his final episode on “The Tonight Show” with a heartfelt touch more powerful than a million “The More You Know” promo ads could muster. Conan’s to-be-aired show reportedly features a ton of guests, heartfelt moments and the host finally coming around and saying nice things about his to-be-former bosses, even though he claims he could say whatever he wanted to on the last episode. He’s handled this whole situation like a prince. We admire the guy greatly. Team Conan! source
This clip cost NBC $1.5 million to produce. It’s the kind of thing Conan can get away with because 1) He’s a genius 2) He doesn’t care about NBC and 3) He’s smarter than the people getting rid of him. NBC’s reaction? They pulled the clip from Hulu and But strangely, it’s on YouTube. We can’t wait for tonight’s show. source
cool The new Gorillaz single, “Stylo,” has one of the deepest, bassiest beats you’ll hear this side of a Justice song. If the music video doesn’t feature Don Johnson in shades, we’ll be greatly disappointed.
crazy The song features Bobby Womack – a Rock and Roll Hall of Famer and legendary soul singer – using his booming vocals to break through everything. It’s an awesome left turn for a band built on them. source
Well, that certainly lived up to the billing. We were actually thinking of testing this ourselves, but then we realized it might just be a stupid idea. In fact, it’d be downright fermented.
Well, in the book there’re a lot of examples of scientific nomenclature and this particular numeral one is causing confusion when it’s combined with capitals.
mgmtdesign designer “Michael” • Speaking to Typotheque about Al Gore’s desire to get a font – Brioni, which he picked for his book “Our Choice,” by the way – changed slightly, because it looked like a little capital “i.” So, they changed the number one for Al Gore. Awesome. source
Empire State of Mind, indeed. During last night’s NFL playoff game, a preview for SNL – featuring Charles Barkley as host and Alicia Keys as the musical guest, hit. And oh man, is it something. Barkley, with that drunk driving incident well behind him, did his best Alicia Keys, and wow, was it something. Never do this again, Sir Charles.