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10 Aug 2009 20:42


Biz, Tech: FriendFeed and Facebook more than friends, feeling each other up

  • What Facebook gets Interesting technology that they can use in future redesigns and upgrades, and – well, let’s not kid ourselves, this is the main reason – access to some really, really bright minds. The founders of FriendFeed are responsible for helping to create Google services you use every single day, like Google Maps and GMail. They’re worth it. source
  • What Facebook gets Interesting technology that they can use in future redesigns and upgrades, and – well, let’s not kid ourselves, this is the main reason – access to some really, really bright minds. The founders of FriendFeed are responsible for helping to create Google services you use every single day, like Google Maps and GMail. They’re worth it.
  • What FriendFeed gets Exposure. FriendFeed’s root idea – the combining of social streams into a single feed – is a good idea that didn’t have the PR manpower of Twitter or Facebook. Facebook could push the service really hard. Or this could go down like Geocities and Facebook could drive it into the ground. We’re betting the latter. source
  • What Facebook gets Interesting technology that they can use in future redesigns and upgrades, and – well, let’s not kid ourselves, this is the main reason – access to some really, really bright minds. The founders of FriendFeed are responsible for helping to create Google services you use every single day, like Google Maps and GMail. They’re worth it.
  • What FriendFeed gets Exposure. FriendFeed’s root idea – the combining of social streams into a single feed – is a good idea that didn’t have the PR manpower of Twitter or Facebook. Facebook could push the service really hard. Or this could go down like Geocities and Facebook could drive it into the ground. We’re betting the latter.
  • Our feeling This merger makes a lot of sense. Facebook has been mimicking FriendFeed’s best features for ages, even moreso since the last redesign. And we’ve had a link to our FriendFeed on the site for months to basically no response – which tells us that unless you’re Robert Scoble (or know who Robert Scoble is), you don’t use it. source

10 Aug 2009 10:46


U.S.: Excessive police force on YouTube, example No. 2,307,539

  • Police brutality is easier to track thanks to YouTube. In this video, a police officer at a Wal-Mart slammed an elderly woman to the ground. Which seems a wee bet excessive, due to the fact that, well, it’s an old woman. She was carrying a knife, yes, but this doesn’t seem to be the best way to handle something like this.source

10 Aug 2009 10:37


Culture: Michael Douglas’ son may be a big-time meth dealer

  • That’s what court documents say. The famous actor’s son, Cameron, was arrested late last month for selling drugs, but it was only revealed last week just how many he sold. Apparently, the sometime actor was selling methamphetamine that was worth tens of thousands of dollars. That’s an amount large enough to warrant the famous son a life sentence in prison. He’ll get at least 10 years if convicted. source

10 Aug 2009 10:31


Biz, U.S.: When do private economists see the recession ending?

  • Q3 but the recovery is gonna take a little while, they say source

10 Aug 2009 10:27


World: Al-Qaeda’s trying to start stuff in Iraq by ratcheting up attacks

  • 48+ number of people who have died in Iraq from bombings today source

10 Aug 2009 10:19


Culture: For the Teen Choice Awards, Kathy Griffin chose Levi Johnston

Somehow, this feels less strange than that time she dated Steve Wozniak. Go get ’em Levi! source

10 Aug 2009 10:07


Culture: In a world of bizarre porn parodies, this TMZ one takes the cake

  • Ron Jeremy as Harvey Levin. No, really. Obviously, we’re a safe for work site and we’re not linking to a porn site, but we’d be terrible at our job if we didn’t inform you of the existence of TMSlease, a parody of TMZ (and celebrity culture in general) which takes a look at gossip culture through porn. Ron Jeremy, by the way, does a great Harvey Levin parody. (The link leads to Gawker, BTW.) source

10 Aug 2009 09:57


Politics: In a move seemingly designed to incite, Pelosi writes an op-ed

  • These disruptions are occurring because opponents are afraid not just of differing views — but of the facts themselves. Drowning out opposing views is simply un-American. Drowning out the facts is how we failed at this task for decades.
  • Democratic House members Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer • Talking about town hall meetings in USA Today. In their opinion, the more fiery people at the meetings drown out actual discussion on health care. They want it to stop so that people can have an actual dialogue on health care. Of course, Pelosi merely posting this means that those very types of people have loaded the comments up with torrents of spew against her. We’ll gladly take some of that spew off your hands, Nancy. • source

10 Aug 2009 09:43


World: Europe could be a budding Muslim continent in the coming years

  • 5% of all Europeans were Muslim as of last year source

10 Aug 2009 09:35


U.S.: The Manson Family’s crimes still linger 40 years later

  • The murders were probably the most bizarre and far-out in the recorded annals of American time. People are fascinated by the strange and the bizarre.
  • Vincent Bugliosi • The prosecutor of Charles Manson and members of his “family,” on why the murders continue to hold such a prominent place in popular culture. 40 years ago, Manson attempted to fire the opening shot in what he saw as an apocalyptic race war, convincing his family to go to the home of director Roman Polanski, where they killed actress Sharon Tate (who was pregnant) and six others. Despite the problems that California’s legal system is facing, they’re still in jail – the crimes were that insane. • source