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24 Jul 2010 21:14


Music, Tech: Chiptune nerd turns old electric organ into ultimate blip machine

  • When you imagine someone playing the Super Mario Bros. theme song, you don’t think of some guy hopping on a keyboard to do it. Instead, you think of a nerdy programmer type futzing away at a NES. But this guy just upped the game – Linus Åkesson turned an old organ into a multi-faceted chiptune device, capable of playing a perfect-sounding Mario just as much as a diverse blippy opera. Note to Dan Deacon: Record your next album in Sweden. With this guy. source

09 May 2010 20:40


Tech: The only three things we know about Nintendo’s upcoming 3DS console

  • one It’s portable like the Nintendo DS and uses 3D technology to present gaming experiences the iPhone or iPad can’t.
  • two You’ll be able to turn off
    the console’s 3D mode
    so as not to severely
    damage your stupid
    kid’s eyesight.
  • three It’s going to have really
    tough anti-piracy
    mechanisms to ensure
    people pay for their
    Mario fix. source

07 Apr 2010 11:27


Culture: “Dr. Horrible,” 8-bit style: A “Maniac Mansion” for modern nerds

  • Whoever the genius is that created this needs to be given like a million dollars by Joss Whedon or something so he can sell this game. This is a brilliant idea. And hilarious.

31 Mar 2010 11:18


Tech: We have an urge to play Mega Man all of a sudden

  • If you’re gonna go retro, might as well go full-tilt. Back in the dark ages of video games, Mega Man was king – and his style of gaming was all but ignored for years, in an attempt to making gaming more complicated. But a couple of years ago, they decided to go full retro again with Mega Man 9, and now with the new Mega Man 10, they’ve decided to create a commercial to match. We’re gonna eat some Legend of Zelda cereal now. source

23 Mar 2010 10:00


Tech: The 3DS: Nintendo’s going third-dimensional with its next portable

  • No photos, just a press release. It’s secret. Nintendo has this way of pushing a new technology that’s never been tried in video games before and turning it into a smashing success. The latest? The 3DS, a backwards-compatible variant of the DS series which uses 3D screens. It could be super-interesting. source

01 Nov 2009 10:43


Biz, Tech: Nintendo needs to do a lot to save its hide quickly

  • We sensed that the market mood was cooling off in the spring. But frankly, we hadn’t expected to get as bad as it did by summer.
  • Nintendo President Satoru Iwata • Describing the quick decline in sales of the Nintendo Wii this year. Despite the company’s cut in price on the Wii, it kind of made things worse this quarter: Profits dipped 52%, while sales slid 28%. Nintendo’s working hard to make some changes to help improve profits – new Mario and Zelda games are coming soon, and the company could make changes to the platform to enable (on the Wii’s end) Blu-Ray discs and (on the DS’ end) 3G and social networking. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. • source

29 Oct 2009 10:30


Biz, Tech: Nintendo can’t count on the Wii to save them anymore

  • 52% drop in quarterly profit – Sony & MS are on top again source

23 Sep 2009 22:42


Tech: Wii think you should know the Wii is getting a Wii bit cheaper.

  • $199 for the Wii (20% cheaper!), starting this Sunday source

24 Aug 2009 11:18


Offbeat: Lego + 8-bit pixels: This poor guy’s getting eaten by his childhood

  • The guys who made this spent 1500 hours (!) putting it together. And, oh my freaking god, it shows. Michel Gondry, hire these guys. Stat.source

10 Aug 2009 23:32


Music: ShortFormBand: For an anonymous collective, Golau Glau rules

A pretty picture in place of Golau Glau
  • Whoa, what is this?

    In our continuing effort to try new things, here’s our latest: Band coverage! This time, Golau Glau finds that perfect middle ground between 8-bit synths and anonymous female harmonies. Want to see your band here? E-mail us or bug us on Twitter!

    Listen to them

    Q1: In 15 words or less, describe your sound: Golau Glau make electronic silverpop.

    Q2: Name three influences that inspire you, with three words each on why they’re awesome:
    Nintendo NES: Summer of ’92
    Aquariums: sharks and bubbles
    Late-night rain: noise, texture, smell

    Q3: What’s a recent song you’ve been digging? Write ten words explaining why:
    Joy Orbison – “Hyph Mngo”: Freshest, hottest, most irresistible tune ’09. With chips (UK meaning).

    Q4: In 140 characters or less, how do you use social networking to get the word out: Sending tunes to people we respect on Soundcloud, making things look smart on all sites, keeping our own blog and ignoring the bullshit.

    Q5: In 15 words or less, what’s next for you? Some tasty slabs of vinyl, we hope, in time for your Christmas list. source