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23 Sep 2010 17:58


Culture: Can’t we just say Mark Zuckerberg’s a nice guy for donating $100M?

Mark Zuckerberg 26 year old founder of FaceBook donates 100 million to The Newark New Jersey School system.. Please RT this is AMAZING!!Thu Sep 23 21:34:53 via web

  • Know how you know you did something great? Because you have a cool, confident guy with a million followers turning into a total fanboy. That’s how impressive Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million donation to Newark, New Jersey’s dilapidated school district was. On a side noote, can we just say that anyone giving Zuck crap over this is a scumbag? We know that makes the NY Post, New York Magazine and Gawker or mortal enemies, but at least Arianna Huffington still likes us. Oh, and Tyrese. He thinks we’re cool, too. source

17 May 2010 21:50


U.S.: Arizona asks illegal immigrants for ID. Trenton, NJ gives them IDs

If illegal immigrants can make it all the way from Mexico to Trenton, N.J. and back to Arizona, there’s a good chance this ID won’t do anything for them. source

03 Apr 2010 20:31


U.S.: Atheists get crazy idea to meet in New Jersey hotel on Easter

  • 300 atheists in a hotel gather
    to … just hang out source

18 Mar 2010 20:00


U.S.: Some racist jerk gets on the PA at a New Jersey Wal-Mart

“All black people” in a New Jersey Wal-Mart weren’t very happy when the message came on the PA. Some are even boycotting the store. source

15 Mar 2010 18:50


Offbeat: Dear morbidly obese woman: What you’re doing isn’t honorable

Meet Donna Simpson, who’s TRYING to become the world’s fattest woman. At 12,000 calories a day, her svelte 600-pound frame should be up to 1,000 in no time flat. source

24 Jan 2010 00:51


Culture: “Jersey Shore” gets a Super Mario makeover, gets a lot better

  • As you might know, we have an instant affinity for all things Super Mario. And this is no exception, as Jersey Shore needed a little Mushroom Kingdom action going on – because they have so much in common, including the broad Italian stereotypes. We love the fact, in particular, that Donkey Kong and Bowser are hooking up. Amazing.

07 Jan 2010 22:59


U.S.: N.J. Senate makes New Jersey even worse for gays, blocks gay marriage

  • NO you heathens will have to get civil unions instead source

01 Jan 2010 18:35


Offbeat: New Jersey’s water toxic enough for swimming in January

Just kidding. Today, a bunch of pasty white people jumped in the ocean for the Polar Plunge, which sounds really freaking cold. source

05 Nov 2009 22:30


U.S.: Exiting New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine not acting like a lame duck

  • $400 million the amount of money Corzine wants cut from the freaking budget like, uh, yesterday source

03 Nov 2009 22:15


U.S.: ELECTION RESULTS: Chris Christie upsets Jon Corzine in New Jersey

  • It was a close race, at the end, but it wasn’t enough to keep the incumbent in office. In an election night which is starting to look like a wash for the Democrats, the Republicans won the two biggest prizes up for grabs. Poll numbers at the end leaned towards Corzine, but independents didn’t stick with him. The AP is calling this (and we usually boycott them), but we feel that this news is big enough that it’s worth an exception.source