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07 Apr 2011 11:14


U.S.: A few reasons why Cathie Black is out as NYC’s schools chancellor

  • >100 number of days media exec Cathie Black worked as chancellor of NYC public schools
  • 17% her approval rating according to a NY1-Marist poll taken on Monday (really bad)
  • 23% of those polled didn’t even know who she was or had never heard of her (even worse) source
  • » Her experience? Nonexistent. While Black has had a wide and varied career in the media industry, having been chairman of Hearst Magazines and a former president and publisher of USA Today, none of that stuff suggests she knows all that much about running the country’s biggest school district. Which might’ve been her undoing. Actually, let’s just say it was.

23 Sep 2010 17:58


Culture: Can’t we just say Mark Zuckerberg’s a nice guy for donating $100M?

Mark Zuckerberg 26 year old founder of FaceBook donates 100 million to The Newark New Jersey School system.. Please RT this is AMAZING!!Thu Sep 23 21:34:53 via web

  • Know how you know you did something great? Because you have a cool, confident guy with a million followers turning into a total fanboy. That’s how impressive Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million donation to Newark, New Jersey’s dilapidated school district was. On a side noote, can we just say that anyone giving Zuck crap over this is a scumbag? We know that makes the NY Post, New York Magazine and Gawker or mortal enemies, but at least Arianna Huffington still likes us. Oh, and Tyrese. He thinks we’re cool, too. source

17 Aug 2010 21:58


Tech: Will that webcam-spying school district face criminal charges?

  • NO but the class-action lawsuit is still on the table source

11 Mar 2009 02:26


U.S.: Speaking of Detroit, nearby Pontiac has some teacher layoff drama

  • 100% of teachers will be laid off at the end of the year, then rehired (maybe) source