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19 Dec 2010 10:55


Politics: Just in time for the holidays, Ricky Gervais explains his atheism

  • As an atheist, I see nothing ‘wrong’ in believing in a god. I don’t think there is a god, but belief in him does no harm. If it helps you in any way, then that’s fine with me. It’s when belief starts infringing on other people’s rights when it worries me.
  • Ricky Gervais • In a lengthy essay he wrote for the Wall Street Journal titled “A Holiday Message from Ricky Gervais: Why I’m An Atheist.” He points out that he wasn’t always this way: “I loved Jesus. He was my hero. More than pop stars. More than footballers. More than God. God was by definition omnipotent and perfect. Jesus was a man. He had to work at it.” But one day, his older brother questioned him about his religion, and then he started thinking about it, and that was that. Gervais ends the essay with a pretty simple but smart point about the whole matter: “You won’t burn in hell. But be nice anyway.” Good to know. source

28 Sep 2010 10:21


Culture: Study: Agnostics and atheists know more about religion than you

  • what A new Pew study suggests that atheists and agnostics know more about religion than their Christian counterparts do.
  • why Higher education is part of it, but some of it might be a lack of self-examination of faith by those who have already converted.
  • butNot every religious group has this problem – Jews and Mormons rank nearly as high as agnostics or atheists in understanding. source

20 Sep 2010 10:04


Culture: “Christmas With a Capital C”: An anti-atheism soon-to-be classic

  • We’ve actually been wondering what Ted McGinley and Daniel Baldwin have been up to all these years. Here’s our answer – making anti-atheism Christmas films. Beyond the plot being absolutely, completely over-the-top – big-city atheist comes home to small town to ruin Christmas for hard-working small-town folk – it’s also based on a Christian rock song and will be distributed by a Christian film company. We can’t wait until TNT airs this for 24 hours straight. source

18 Sep 2010 11:00


World: “Protest the Pope”: Atheists take to London’s godless streets

  • cause The Pope visits the U.K. with a full plate of scary scandals to respond to, including the belief that the U.K. is increasingly “godless.”
  • reaction Thousands of people are protesting the Pope today, at an event with atheist speakers. Sounds like hedonistic fun! source

03 Apr 2010 20:31


U.S.: Atheists get crazy idea to meet in New Jersey hotel on Easter

  • 300 atheists in a hotel gather
    to … just hang out source

12 Mar 2010 13:36


U.S.: Bored atheist overplays his hand on the Pledge of Allegiance

  • 2002 Michael Newdow, an atheist who’s really angry his daughter had to recite the Pledge of Allegiance, got the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals to say that “one nation under God” was unconstitutional.
  • 2010 Newdow, in a separate case, tried to push this button again. This time, the U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals said nothing required anyone to say the Pledge, thus reversing their decision. source

19 Oct 2009 23:20


Politics: Our world is full of godless heathens. Let’s be honest about it.

“A Million New Yorkers Are Good Without God. Are You?” What a question. It begs you to respond. An anonymous donor with a lot of money and an inquisitive spirit has a pretty good question to ask New York subway-dwellers starting next week. And it's one bound to attract (depending on your corner) curiosity, debate, criticism or anger. But we say it's a good time to ask. Here's why:
  • At a turning point We’re closer to being a godless society than at any point in our world’s history. The thing is, though, it’s largely not recognized. Millions of people float around without going to any kind of church or actively thinking of religion. We may as well recognize it and talk about it, the heathens we are. source
  • At a turning point We’re closer to being a godless society than at any point in our world’s history. The thing is, though, it’s largely not recognized. Millions of people float around without going to any kind of church or actively thinking of religion. We may as well recognize it and talk about it, the heathens we are.
  • Why should we talk? Simple: It’s happening. And it’s not something that discounts anyone else who is religious or has a strong sense of faith in their lives. But the anonymous donor who wrote this clever ad is way closer to being right than many religious conservatives might like to admit. Let’s be straight-up about it. source
  • At a turning point We’re closer to being a godless society than at any point in our world’s history. The thing is, though, it’s largely not recognized. Millions of people float around without going to any kind of church or actively thinking of religion. We may as well recognize it and talk about it, the heathens we are.
  • Why should we talk? Simple: It’s happening. And it’s not something that discounts anyone else who is religious or has a strong sense of faith in their lives. But the anonymous donor who wrote this clever ad is way closer to being right than many religious conservatives might like to admit. Let’s be straight-up about it.
  • Is this a good thing? Honestly, we’re not sure if this is even going to last. There’s a lot of reasons why religion is great on a purely practical scale – the building of community, for example. But on the other hand, religon often breeds intolerance and tolerance at equal levels. What do you guys think? We’re wondering. source

24 Sep 2009 20:01


Politics: Kirk Cameron is an atheist-trashing anti-Darwin bag of crazy

  • Atheism has been on the rise for years now, and the Bible of the atheists is ‘The Origin of Species.’ We have a situation in our country where young people are entering college with a belief in God and exiting with that faith being stripped and shredded.
  • ’80s “Growing Pains” heartthrob Kirk Cameron • Discussing evolution and atheism. Cameron, who is (#^(^!@07(#^(# insane, has hatched a plan to discredit Charles Darwin in the eyes of college students. He and a bunch of other Christians plan to hand out copies of “Species” with a special 50-page introduction linking evolution to Nazisim and claiming that the scientist hated women. Cameron says it’s merely for equal time. “What we want to do is have student make an informed, educated decision before they chuck their faith.” Ten to one, they’re probably going to chuck the book and go to a house party. • source