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20 Oct 2009 21:49


20 Oct 2009 10:12


Tech: Be prepared for a market saturated with Google Android

  • 51 Google Android-based phones will be on the market soon source

18 Oct 2009 09:59


Tech: Message to take from this ad: Everyone iDon’t, Droid Does

Not bad Verizon, Motorola and Google. You actually made some Apple-critical advertising with teeth. And we hear the Droid is a cool phone – with a better network. source

15 Oct 2009 10:58


Tech: Google is a massive freaking chunk of the Internet

  • 6% of the Internet’s traffic goes through Google source

10 Oct 2009 00:50


Tech: Congrats to AT&T for completely clouding the Google Voice issue

  • The FCC’s worried about that thing AT&T mentioned now. A couple weeks ago, we mentioned that it seemed like AT&T’s mentioning of Google Voice’s blocking of rural calls screamed of a lawyer looking very closely for a way to screw over Google. Well, it appears they’ve succeeded. The FCC sent a letter to Google asking why they were blocking those calls. If they decide that Google should be treated like big telecom companies in this regard, it could hurt a budding service. source

07 Oct 2009 20:17


Biz, Tech: Google: We made it through the worst of the ad slump just fine

  • The worst is behind us. We’re clearly seeing aspects of recovery, not just in the U.S. but also Europe.
  • Google CEO Eric Schmidt • Speaking to room full of journalists about the state of his company. He says that his company has started to hire again in anticipation of a major rebound. Big question: Will newspapers recover along with Google? • source

07 Oct 2009 10:57


Tech: Daily poll: Google’s constant logo changes, clever or annoying?

  • Today, Google changed their logo to a barcode to celebrate the anniversary of the first barcode patent. (It turns 57 today.) Now, we think it’s cool and awesome and everything, but Google has been doing this a lot lately. Which compels us to ask a fairly obvious question: Are they overdoing it? Vote above.source

30 Sep 2009 09:30


30 Sep 2009 09:09


Offbeat, Tech: Google search results are serious business

Really? You’re going to threaten a lawsuit because someone’s ranked higher than you on Google search? Worst e-mail idea evah. source

25 Sep 2009 18:41


Biz, Tech: We bet AT&T’s lawyers spent weeks looking for this nugget

  • By openly flaunting the call blocking prohibition that applies to its competitors, Google is acting in a manner inconsistent with the spirit, if not the letter, of the FCC’s fourth principle contained in its Internet Policy Statement.
  • AT&T senior vice president of federal regulatory affairs Robert Quinn • In a letter to the FCC that criticizes the App Store-rejected Google Voice in the midst of the net neutrality debate. Their claim? Because it doesn’t connect everywhere yet, Google Voice flaunts the FCC’s 2007 ban on long-distance providers blocking calls to certain rural areas. It’s like … OH! Let’s find an obscure decision and use it to criticize Google Voice, that software we don’t like! They may have a point, yes, but it feels like they had to reach to find it. • source