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20 Dec 2009 22:24


Offbeat: Protip: Don’t bring a gun to a snowball fight, Detective Hard@$$

  • awesome A bunch of people decided to organize an impromptu snowball fight in D.C. via Twitter yesterday. It looks like a load of fun.
  • laughable A cop pulls through in his Hummer (above) and pulls out a (#^!#(& gun to show how awesome and manly he is, apparently. source

04 Nov 2009 10:37


U.S.: Neat: Bill Clinton and George W. Bush debating in NYC next year

It’s kind of like a charity boxing match. In one corner, a popular former Democratic president. In the other, Dubya. Stakes? Nonexistent. But fun to watch. source

07 Oct 2009 10:57


Tech: Daily poll: Google’s constant logo changes, clever or annoying?

  • Today, Google changed their logo to a barcode to celebrate the anniversary of the first barcode patent. (It turns 57 today.) Now, we think it’s cool and awesome and everything, but Google has been doing this a lot lately. Which compels us to ask a fairly obvious question: Are they overdoing it? Vote above.source

09 Sep 2009 21:34


Offbeat: We know what you want: More catstravaganza fan photos

  • The one on the left Alfredo Alejandro García, a fan of the site’s RSS feed, sent a photo of his cats, Luna and John. In his request, he noted that it “would make my girlfriend very glad.” Dude, we understand. We’ve been there.

    Cats to impress a dude's girlfriend
  • The one on the left Alfredo Alejandro García, a fan of the site’s RSS feed, sent a photo of his cats, Luna and John. In his request, he noted that it “would make my girlfriend very glad.” Dude, we understand. We’ve been there.

    Cats to impress a dude's girlfriend
  • The one on the right This one was sent by John DeCicco, manager of this cool band called The Depreciation Guild. (You should listen to them.) Anyway, this cat wins hipster points because it’s called Roxy Music.

    A cat with a cult following that grows by the year

06 Jul 2009 23:35


Music: ShortFormBand: Paper Plane Pilot soothes us with his synth-pop

Paper Plane Pilot, a.k.a. Dustin Frelich
  • Whoa, what is this?

    In our continuing effort to try new things, here’s our latest: Band coverage! This time, Paper Plane Pilot (Dustin Frelich) cheerily gets out his synth and makes us smile with breakbeats and sine waves. Want to see your band here? E-mail us or bug us on Twitter!

    Listen to them

    Q1: In 15 words or less, describe your sound: Electronic indie pop. Happy melancholy laced with introspective songwriting and catchy melodies.

    Q2: Name three influences that inspire you, with three words each on why they’re awesome:
    80s Music: Rad! Awesome! Cool!
    The Internet: Wisdom on demand
    Simplicity: Overcomplexity is tiring

    Q3: What’s a recent song you’ve been digging? Write ten words explaining why:
    Plastic Operator – Home 0207: Pulsing. Driving. Soothing. A muted answer to epic electronic hits.

    Q4: In 140 characters or less, how do you use social networking to get the word out: Social networks allow me to participate in conversations with other music lovers. The “rock star” paradigm is dying. We’re all just people.

    Q5: In 15 words or less, what’s next for you? I’m working on songs for a new album. Keep an ear out!source

05 Apr 2009 11:30


Offbeat: Fans of pillow fights in Detroit: You’re not welcome

  • Confiscated pillows. Really? A group of people looking to get into a pillow fight in a downtown park on Saturday were turned away, because that’s a cool thing to do, city of Detroit. Anyway, their fight was part of a larger organized campaign that was going to have pillow fights worldwide on Saturday. Police confiscated the group’s pillows but let them keep their pillowcases. source

28 Feb 2009 22:23


Offbeat: If Rush wants Obama to “fail,” he should buy these stickers

Meet the “fail” sticker, the bluntest sticker available. The news industry needs a lot of these. source

06 Feb 2009 08:29


Offbeat: How many people have applied for the Aussie dream job, anyway?

  • 10,000+ applications have been submitted for the job, which would be fun in the sun in the Great Barrief Reef for six months source

21 Jan 2009 12:25


Music: Matt & Kim: Two tunesmiths to watch out for in 2009

The synthy, youthful sound of Matt & Kim is best experienced with “Daylight.” source

13 Jan 2009 17:01


Offbeat: Laid off? This dream job would be a good rebound

  • Island living, nice salary … … ever wanted to live by the ocean, spend your days snorkeling, feeding fish, delivering a little mail and scuba diving? Look no further than the job being offered by the state of Queensland, Australia. They created the job as an antidote to the economic slump, because they’re awesome. source
  • Island living, nice salary … … ever wanted to live by the ocean, spend your days snorkeling, feeding fish, delivering a little mail and scuba diving? Look no further than the job being offered by the state of Queensland, Australia. They created the job as an antidote to the economic slump, because they’re awesome.
  • The requirements? Cake. The job, which last six months, pays $150,000 Australian dollars and accommodation in a luxury house, is open to anyone with a passion for the Great Barrier Reef. All you have to do is send a video application and beat out the hundreds of other people assuredly applying. Good luck. source