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13 Apr 2010 11:17


Culture: Conan lets loose, has fun with his first live post-NBC show

  • I’m sure some of you heard I got a new job starting tomorrow: I’m the new manager of the Eugene Banana Republic.
  • Conan O’Brien • Speaking about his new TBS job at his first live show in Eugene, Oregon. Despite being banned from saying mean things about his old company NBC on TV, he said plenty of them live on stage. He also brought out the masturbating bear in a hood and said that, on the new show, he’d be called the “Self-Pleasuring Panda.” Oh Conan, we missed you! source

29 Jan 2010 13:56


Biz, U.S.: Small businesses, not fat cats, winners in Obama’s job plan

  • $33 billion in tax credits for businesses that hire people
  • $5,000 in tax credits per employee hired under Obama’s jobs plan
  • $500k the limit on the size of the tax credit, to ensure it helps small businesses
  • zero what small businesses will have to pay in capital gains taxes source

11 Nov 2009 20:51


Politics: Lou Dobbs: The Last of the Mohicans on CNN; peace out brah

  • Who didn’t see this coming? Our boy Lou is like the DJ playing heavy metal on the smooth jazz station – he doesn’t fit CNN to the point that people regularly complain about it. As he notes, though, this will be sad – he was the last of original anchors on the network. Considering the open-ended way he spoke of leaving, we hope he does something completely left-field. Like run for president in 2010. Whaddya mean there isn’t a presidential election in 2010? As for CNN, they plan to announce a replacement tomorrow morning. (please not michael savage, please not michael savage)source

17 Jun 2009 22:11


U.S.: Most people like Obama, but the love affair is now over

  • 56% Obama’s approval rating in May, down 5% from April source

07 Apr 2009 20:55


Culture: Obama is gonna let a stoner run the White House (yay Kal Penn!)

Kumar, a.k.a. the smarter-than-you’d-think Kal Penn, just took a job in the Obama administration. High times. source

17 Mar 2009 19:23


Tech, U.S.: Losing your focus: Twitter keeps your mind off the job at hand.

  • court
  • hoops
  • jobs

07 Mar 2009 16:32


Biz, U.S.: Laid off and think you’ll get a temp job? Not so fast.

  • 1.42% of the workforce is temporary; that’s low source

14 Feb 2009 08:57


World: German workers join baseball players in their doping

  • 2 million have used performance-enhancing drugs on the job source

02 Feb 2009 10:02


About: A bit more about Ernie’s future plans

  • He has a job! A few of you asked, so we’ll answer. Starting today, Ernie will be working at Express, a free daily newspaper published by The Washington Post. It’s his third free daily newspaper in a row, but it’s also the biggest. He’s excited about the opportunity and plans to use his info-breakdown roots as much as he can.
  • He has a job! A few of you asked, so we’ll answer. Starting today, Ernie will be working at Express, a free daily newspaper published by The Washington Post. It’s his third free daily newspaper in a row, but it’s also the biggest. He’s excited about the opportunity and plans to use his info-breakdown roots as much as he can.
  • What he left behind He does it with a heavy heart. He wasn’t exactly looking to leave his adopted hometown of Norfolk, Va., but he did it because the opportunity made a lot of sense. He’s done a lot of moving in the last few years, and the last place felt like home. He already misses his favorite coffee shop, Elliot’s Fair Grounds. Sigh.
  • He has a job! A few of you asked, so we’ll answer. Starting today, Ernie will be working at Express, a free daily newspaper published by The Washington Post. It’s his third free daily newspaper in a row, but it’s also the biggest. He’s excited about the opportunity and plans to use his info-breakdown roots as much as he can.
  • What he left behind He does it with a heavy heart. He wasn’t exactly looking to leave his adopted hometown of Norfolk, Va., but he did it because the opportunity made a lot of sense. He’s done a lot of moving in the last few years, and the last place felt like home. He already misses his favorite coffee shop, Elliot’s Fair Grounds. Sigh.
  • But don’t worry … ShortFormBlog is still a priority of his and he plans to keep it going as long as he can. The nature of it may change slightly – to focus on interest and intrigue over the immediacy of a news cycle – but it’s gonna stick around. He may even bring on more staffers. Stay tuned to this dial …

02 Feb 2009 10:00


About: Ernie starts a new job today. The transition time? Kind of long.

  • 45 number of days Ernie was unemployed before today